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Sophie's PoV

It felt like months had passed. Wondering the darkness trying to connect with Nico or Percy. Nothing seemed to work. Navigating through dreams had proven to be harder than I originally thought. Nothing made sense. To make matters worse.

I had never felt more uncomfortable in my entire life.

My body ached.

Despite having been unconscious for an indeterminate amount of time, I could feel my muscles ache with stiffness. If that wasnt enough every few minutes I could feel my child kicks a variety of essential organs just for the fun of it. I could almost feel like skin stretch unbearably under Zeus' curse as my child grew at an alarming rate racing towards their due date.

Quite frankly everything sucked!

At this stage I just wanted to wake up. In the Hope's that maybe just maybe, if I could get up and stretch my muscles everything would hurt a little less.

I was utterly ready to let go. To give up and hope that I could wake up and get some relief.

When suddenly it happened. All though all my birthdays had come at once, I saw him.


He was beaten rather badly, open wounds on his lower lip and in the centre if his left eyebrow. This hair tossed and messy. His clothes torn and damaged.

He looked like.hed been through hell.

Yet, my heart sang for joy at the mere sight of him, the darkness around us began to shape itself into some.sort of deserted island. With withered and decaying palm trees, there was no sign of life. To the left of nico, I spotted percy, curled up sleeping. He didn't look any better than nico. They'd clearly been through hell.

"Hello there" I all but whispered as I tried to approach nico. Unsure of if he could see me at all.

"Soph?" He gasped, taking me ghost like appearance. "What happened?"

"I'm not dead if that's what your thinking, you're alseep. I asked Morpheus to connect our dreams." He looked at me as though I'd lost all semblance of sense. "I needed to see you okay, I needed to make sure you were okay. I think in all my worry I slipped into some sort of comatose, I was just lost in darkness, able to hear what was happening around me but unable to move or reply"

Nico looked at me with pure worry taking over his face. "Your in a coma?" He proclaimed, running his hand stressful through his hair. The worried look of his face broke my heart.

"Eh, I guess so yeah" I laughed, trying to ease the tension that was steadily growing. "Look, i don't know how much time we have. I presume you're dreaming if I've been able to connect with you finally. we need to come up with a plan, a way to get you back on the Aragon II"

I can't help but study Nico's face hoping he caught on to the urgency of the situation. I can feel how weak i am and don't know how much time i could manage to keep the link between our dreams alive. All I know is I need to keep some energy in receive so that i can force myself to wake after our conversation. 

"It's been weeks Soph, me and Percy have been trapped on an island near the sea of monsters. I tried to shadow travel but... I'm not strong enough. It's like this place is draining our energy. Percy tried summoning help from Poseidon's realm but even he's having issues." Nico sighs in defeat. I finally got a good look at him, his eye sunken into their sockets, his complexation almost grey.  clear scabs and bruises littered his face and arms. I can tell he's been through hell since they were separated from the rest of us. I almost don't want to know what they've had to endure. Knowing wouldn't make anything better, there's nothing i can do from where i am. After all I'm not really with him. I can't do anything productive to help apart given my two cents towards a game plan. 

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