We're only pons in their games

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Nico's P.O.V

I carried her towards the banks of the Styx concerned by how weak her life force felt. I couldn't lose her too. My heart raced in panic. My thoughts blurred. My mind trailed off conjuring the worst possible scenarios in my head. She was my rock. The only thing that seemed to ever be constant in my life even if I wasn't a constant in her's. Everyone else has come and gone but Sophia has been there for me since I met her. Despite any pain, I caused her she was there for me. The fact that I could barely feel her life scared me. More than the plan the gods seemed to have for us.

I always knew we were nothing but pons to the gods. Their quests got us killed. They manipulated our fate to suit their will. Used us for entertainment when they got bored. This...this had gone too far. Sophia is barely seventeen and I'm only eighteen myself.  How do they expect us to be prepared for this? How can they expect us not to freak out? How could Hera do this to us?  I don't even like girls...I mean I don't think I do? I've always liked guys. My first crush was freaking Percy Jackson for Hade's sake! Her damn brother! I guess she reminds me of him but I don't feel something towards her, do I? Will broke my heart...he told me he loved me, thought me to accept who I am, only to cheat on me, tell me I was just an experiment for him. Something to help him figure out who he was. He didn't care that I got hurt in the process... even then Soph was there for me and I was too blind to see I had somebody there for me.

I just did what I always do. I ran. I hid from my problems to make them less real. I forgot about those who love me unconditionally. Hazel and Sophia. Now I've let them down again. Hazel wanted to help me and I pushed her away. I just completely discarded Sophia for month.  I just got her back and I may lose her for good.

My thoughts and emotions were all muddled so I just focused on her peaceful features. Her smooth pale skin that almost reminded me of fresh snow framed by long dark waves and feminine eyebrows that seemed furrowed in discomfort. An idea that made me uneasy. I hated seeing her in pain. Seeing her discomfort made me feel helpless and weak. Her cute button nose and soft plump ruby lips fitted perfectly on her heart-shaped face. Her snowy skin was dusted by the shuttle pink glow of her cheeks. It was as I had just noticed her beauty for the first time in my life. Did she always look like this?

"Hold in there Soph, we all need you. I need you..." I whispered to her as I shadow travelled to my room in my father's palace. 

Ignoring my surroundings I walked straight to my bed and lay her gently down on the sheets scared that any sudden move may cause her further discomfort.  I sat next to her stroking her hair in an attempt to claim now my nervous stomach.

" You love her...you may not realise it yet but it's evident you do my son" My father's voice echoed through the room.

"I've always loved her as a friend...I don't see how I could love her any other way..." I muttered lifting my eyes to see him leaning against the far wall slightly hidden within the shadows.

"I know you're struggling to navigate how you feel. You've always thought of yourself to be gay. I understand your confusion. I also understand your restraint from allowing yourself you feel towards others. Nico, I may have not always been there for you and I know you feel like I favoured your elder sister but you are still my son. I worry about you. I sense your younger sister's worry for you. This...this gift Hera has presented you with may be scary and cause you confusion and may be the cause of countless arguments but ultimately this will make you and Sophia stronger and unite you. The Fates have foreseen it. Just...just really think about your feelings for her. Hera wouldn't have done this if she and Aphrodite hadn't seen the way she looked at you and you, her. There's something there you just don't know it yet." Hades informed me his voice lacking any overpowering emotion but I could sense sincerity in his voice. Glancing down at Sophia maybe the gods were right maybe we were something worth fighting for?

Waves and Bones (A Nico di Angelo love story)Where stories live. Discover now