An univited guess crashes the party.

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Nico's POV

The only thing keeping my mind at ease is the fact I can sense the steady flow of both Soph's and the baby's life. If I wasn't unlucky enough to the Hades kid the combined fact of Soph looking like a ghost and her been past out for over two hours would have me crazy. Though the fact she hasn't woken up yet is slowly killing me with worry.

"What was that?" I asked Percy as he enters the room looking worried.

I can tell by the look on his face that he had no idea what had happened. Which definitely did not put my mind at ease.

"I've never seen anything like that...Soph isn't like us. She's slightly more powerful I don't quite know why but it's always been to her advantage. I know you're worried but she'll pull through. She always does." Percy sighed, something about his posture made me doubt his every word.

She's been through so much in the past few weeks and spent so much time passed out from one injury or an other. I don't know much about medicine but I'm certain it couldn't be good for the baby. I could t help but worry about both of them...realistically they're all I have. I'm meant to protect them and I've been doing a horrible job. Seeing her like this again, out for the count, peaceful but distant. Completely drained and barely hanging on. It terrified me.

"Hey, earth to bone head?" Percy questioned waving a hand in front of my face.

"Sorry. My heads elsewhere"

"They're gonna be okay, my sister is a fighter. You're not getting rid of her that easily"

"I know...I just...I just gotta figure some things out is all" I muttered looking back towards Soph. It wasn't lying. I needed to figure out a lot of things. What this quest was really about. What if I have actual feelings for Soph beyond friendship. How to raise a kid. How to protect both of them from this monster filled world. It didn't help that she keeps putting herself in danger and getting herself injured. Ever since I came back she's just been hurt time and time again and there's nothing I can do by try save her at the last second. Then be left with this terrifying weight of having failed her by being just a spilt second too late. I couldn't take it.

"You know...I can tell you're tearing yourself up inside. You care about her and I'm glad, it means I know you'll always look out for her. But we're demigods...our whole lives we spend playing this giant game of chance. We don't get a say in who we lose along the way. We never know who'll be next...I guess what I'm saying is that I'm glad that if I'm not around she has someone who cares for her as much as you do. Equally though, if something ever happened her you can't blame yourself Nico... if we blamed ourselves for every demigod we've ever lost... we'd all end up in a psyche ward. Look out for her but don't let it drive you crazy" Percy rambled playing with the books in the shelves at the other end of the room. I couldn't help but look at him in shock he actually made a valid point but an other part of me was filled with horror. How can we actually live with that kind of numbness.

"What if it was Annabeth?"


"What if it was annabeth, the next person we lost what would you do?"

"I've almost lost her know this..."

"What would you do"

"I'd lose control"

"That's how I feel! I can't explain it... I've only felt like this once before Percy but it was very different... i can't wrap my head around it"

Percy looks at me for a moment before smirking in a way that once would have made my heart skip a beat but now made me nauseous.

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