The Daughter of Poseidon doesn't know how to swim?

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I woke to a flash of light and a strong pair of arms wrapped around my waist. That's when I notice Tyson and Percy laughing at a polariod photo Percy must have just taken...that explains the flash if light...wait Tyson was here?

For the first time in months, I jumped from my bed waking Nico with the fast movement as I leapt into Tyson's arms.

"Sister!" He laughed as he hugged me tightly. A bit too tight


"Sorry, sis." He apologised sadly.

"I came in last night to find Tyson playing with the way don't stand of his tail. Tyson learn the hard way... it's a long story doesn't ask" Percy laughed. While Tyson shyly rubbed the back of his neck.

"I said sorry to the scary guy" he muttered to himself but I still heard him.

"Thanks for the wake-up call Jackson," Nico complained in a deep morning voice that I have to say was nothing more than adorable.

"No problem...jinx" Percy and I said in sync only to end up in a fit of laughter.

I heard Mel groan sadly. When I looked at him my heart broke he appeared to be shivering with a bandage on his tail. Okay, those two are telling me what they did to my dragon later.

I went over to rub Mel and it instantly cheered him up a little but he still seemed to be shivering so I spoke the magic words that came to me last night at dinner and him instantly because of pocket size. Placing him back on my shoulder I turned to the others who were all staring at me. It was unbearably uncomfortable so I shrugged at them and made my way to the bathroom.

After changing and getting a break from their stares I returned to find Nico storming out of the cabin as Percy and Tyson looked on confused.

"What did you do Seaweed Brains?" I sighed picking up the locket that was left with me when I was a baby at Sally's doorstep. My favourite weapon. Putting is on its waited for Percy's answer. "Well?"

"I don't know...I was talking about how to capture the flag was tonight and that Hades Apollo Athena Poseidon Demeter Iris and Hermes were on the same team. He heard that and stormed off..."Percy tailed off.

"Wait Apollo cabin is on our team...oh gods...that's not gonna be good." I realise and run to catch up with Nico.

"What's wrong?" Percy yelled after me.

"Will is a son of Apollo, you idiot!" I screamed back as the door shut behind me.

I searched all of the camp and couldn't find Nico anywhere...I couldn't just barge into his cabin and search for was kinda against camp rules...though that'd never stopped me before. After an internal struggle I decided the only way to find out if Nico had already broken our promise was to check his cabin.

Hades' cabin was dark and dull almost as if the building had been plucked straight out of the underworld...which it possibly had. I wouldn't put it past Hades to just pick the same architectural design for both his children's cabin and the interior of his palace. Gothic. Black. And probably build from the bone of his enemies. That's why I loved it. It beat all the uplifting vibes that radiated off all the other cabins. Hades cabin was mysterious and I loved how different the architecture was too...hey when you start hanging around Annabeth too much and she begins to rub off on you.

Anyway, I did something crazy for me. I ran up to the building and kicked down the door to find my best friend flung out on his bed with his face buried in his pillow.

"Go away!" He muttered.

"I am not leaving until I convince you to A) partake in tonight's capture the flag and put on the facade that Will Sole has not broken your heart into dust never mind pieces. B) We beat the other team at capture the flag to show Mr I'm so hot cause I'm the son of the Sun God that we're above him and will put our team before ourself Or..... C) We pack our bags and we make that trip to see the underworld that you've always promised me. Pick." I stated standing patiently beside his double bed.

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