the next step

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Sophia's p.o.v

"Morning" Nico whispered kissing my forehead and stepping away from the bed. I listened as his steps drifted into the distance he probably gone to the bathroom to get ready. I was emotionally drained to move from the warmth of his bed or to cope with the quest that stood before us. So hera, she got herself into this mess I don't see why Zeus should take my life in place of hers. The gods are the source of all my life problems, why does my family always get roped into helping them...

"My family...holy Poseidon! NICO!" I screamed, Nico came rushing out of the bathroom, toothbrush in on hand his sword in the other, his hair tossed looking like a birds nest. His mouth filled with toothpaste me as he scanned the room for danger.

"What! What happened?" He asked in an inaudible tone.

"Sally! What if Zeus kills sally! Shes only a new mother, she only had Selina a few months ago?" I panicked. If Poseidon and Hades swore to protect me what if Zeus decides to go for Sally to spite us all.

"Oh god....I'll sort something out..."

"Sort what out?" Leo questioned walking into the cabin followed by the others.

"WHAT HAVE I SAID ABOUT KNOCKING!" Nico growled in irritation.

"Not like you were doing anything Captain Grumpy" Leo mocked as he took a seat at the edge of the bed.

"SOPHIA!!!" Hazel yelled as she ran and engulfed me in a hug. It was crippling.

"Hey Hazel, it's great to see you and all but kinda suffocating here!" I gasped hugging her back.

"Wow, Soph your bump!" Percy stated pointing at my stomach like an awestruck two-year-old. For the first time since I woke up, I checked myself out. Looking down at my stomach I noticed that I had a small bump the size of a small melon but it was still present. That solution really worked fast.

"You even have that glow" Annabeth smiled.

"What glow?" Grover inquired shyly stepping in through the front door. Even after all these years, he was still that shy satyr that basically saved me and Percy from smelly Gabe.

"That maternal glow, pregnant women always have." Piper somewhat explained.

"Omg is the little guy kicking yet?" Thalia asked as she greeted Melegar who was curled up at the end of the bed.

"Guys off topic, what were you talking about when we came in?" Jason asked as he hugged piper close almost to mask the nervousness that radiated off him.

"I just had a brain wave" I smirked knowing I was creating a sense of suspense for Jason Reyna Percy and Annabeth. I loved every second of it. "A very bad brain wave..."

"What brain wave!" Reyna all but screamed, Percy looked at me as if it just clicked with him that mum may be in danger too.

"Mum!" I and Percy said at the same time.

"For the love of Zeus, how did we miss that!" Annabeth stated aggravated and pacing the room.

"What! Why is that relevant?" Leo asked.

"Why would Sally ve involved?" Hazel seconded.

"Our mum just had a baby a few weeks ago. We have a little sister her names Selina" Percy explained.

"So when my dad said he'd kill a new mother...he may not have meant Soph..."Jason finally pieced it all together.

"Yep...ten points to thunderhead" Piper laughed.

Soon the whole gang were arguing over what to do I just sat back down on the bed rubbing my stomach and petting Mel while Nico sat beside me and held me. I guess he knew I was anxious about this whole scenario.

"Guy will you all just shut It! My dad already promised to look out for Sally and Soph. And I'm more than positive Poseidon will be looking out for them too. Now can we get on with this quest already. I wanna find Hera and get that pain in the ass back to Olympus before our baby is born ok!" Nico snapped after fifteen minutes of bickering and I have to say I've never been more thankful for Nico's short temper in my life. All the fighting was giving me a headache and drain all my energy.

"Sorry" they all replied in unison.

"Look can we just get going. It's ten a.m. as is we should already be gone." I asked standing up and grabbing my backpack from the end of my bed.

"The half-blood road trip take two!" Leo laughed skipping out the door while we all stared him out of it.

"I swear that boy had to be dropped on his head as a child" Percy laughed.

"Or lost a few brain cells from all the fumes coming from Iapetus' cabin" Thalia laughed before we all followed them.

Before leaving Nico and stopped and looked around the room one more time.

"Do you think we'll ever make it back here?" I questioned fear evident in my shaking voice.

"I promise you that we will make it back and you will get to see our baby grow up. I am not gonna let you get harmed cause Hera was stupid and got herself kidnapped" Nico replied hugging me close to him.

"Sometimes things don't go our way despite how hard we try. We're a demigod. You've said before we just pawn the gods use for their amusement" I felt him tense as the words left my mouth he knew they were true. Just as much as I did.

"But this time we will win. Come on, let's get this over with. The sooner we find the thorn in our side the sooner we get to come home and live." Nico said pulling away to look me in the eye.

"Let's kick some monster add!" I laughed as Melegar roared on my shoulder causing nice to smile.

"Let's get out if there"

Hey guys sorry for the wait. College exams over and I now finally have time to write again. Prepare for more chapters to come. Hope you all enjoy this little teaser chapter. Xoxo the daughter of Athena. A.Q.

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