Over Protective Siblings

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"You are not taking my little sister to the underworld. Nah-ah not gonna happen. When you brought me there your dad tried to imprison me. Remember?" Percy yelled pacing the room

"I won't let her get harmed Percy I'm not a child anymore I can tell when my father's being deceitful," Nico commented looking, board.

"That's beside the point Di Angelo I don't trust your father! Frankly I don't trust any of the gods but especially not Hades!" My brother screamed his facing turning red with anger.

"Hades has changed since the last two wars. He keeps his word...in his own twisted way...but he keeps it none the less. I'd do it for you, Jackson. If you asked me to go into the sea to meet your father I wouldn't question it...not anymore there was a time when I would've cause I hated you. I blamed you for Bianca's death or at least I thought I did I really blamed myself because I couldn't understand this world it'd changed so much and Bianca wasn't there to help me...and...and I liked you. The feeling all got confused and conflicted made me act stupid but I'm not that kid anymore...why can't you trust me?" Nico pleaded.

"Because she's my little sister. People die when we leave camp Nick. Why do you think I never let her be picked for quests!" Percy yelled them paused looking somewhat guilty...

"So you mean...that I've been cooped up here for years not allowed go on a quest because you wouldn't let it happen!" I stated through gritted teeth.

Percy froze where he stood. Guilt smothered his face as he hung his head low avoiding eye contact with me at all costs. "I was afraid to lose you...I still am. You and Annabeth, you're the two people I couldn't bear to lose." He muttered

"Percy I don't need your constant protection. I'm not a baby anymore. For god's sake, I'm almost seventeen. That's like twenty for people like us. It's rare for demigods to live this long. I've trained every day since I was eight. I can defend myself. You know why? Because you and Annabeth thought me to fight. I'd two of the greatest heroes of our generation teach me. I'm not weak. I can look after myself you have to stop babying me." I explained taking his hands in mine. "You'll always be my big brother nothing can change that but you can't protect me forever."

"I can try..." He mumbled under his breath making my blood boil

"So you don't think I could defend myself or Nico if it came down to it?"

"That's not what I'm saying, Soph!"

"It seems like it is. Typical Mr I save the world twice wants to keep all the glory to himself? Is that what this is, you enjoy the spotlight sooooo much that you're withholding it from the rest of us?" I screamed my body shaking.

"I can go and come back later!" Nico made a gesture towards the door.

"No sit!" I and Percy yelled in unison. Nico sat down straight away with a terrified look on his face. Were we really that scary when we fought?

"I'm not selfish Soph I don't want glory hell I wish the gods would stop relying on me. I just don't want you to get hurt by one of their twisted games." He sighed stepping closer to me on my for me to step away

"Don't you see that keeping me here...that it's hurting me" The betrayal I felt was evident in my voice. How could my own brother not believe in me?

Percy froze in thought for a moment burying his head in his hands releasing an exasperated sigh.

"What if you're not ready?"

"Then let me prove myself. You went to find the lightning bolt with little to no training and here you are now." I walk toward him and hugged my brother. Despite our differences and our disagreements, I love Percy and I know he loves me. "Let me show you...I can do this"

Waves and Bones (A Nico di Angelo love story)Where stories live. Discover now