Family Dispute?

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Around 3am in the morning, towards the end of our shift at the helm things began to...change? Near 15° 19' 35.6592'' N and 76° 9' 26.0172'' W, the center of the Atlantic something broke our illusion of peace. The sky above us grew cloudy, swirling in the heavens with a purple hue. The air around us grew colder, each breathe felt like I was inhaling ice. My lungs hurt. As the wind picked up I locked eye with Nico who's scared expression only matched my own. From his space on the deck Mel came stomping towards up, as he grew closer he whined like a scared puppy before shrinking and climbing up my leg  and torso until he was rest in the crook of my neck.

"I don't have a good feeling about this" I whispered, holding onto Nico's arm. As lighting crashed into the sea not a mile away from the ship causing the sea to violently rock the ship.

"Soph get below deck!" Nico ordered.

"What? No!"

"I'm not asking! It's not save up here, wake the others"

"But what about you?" I asked tearing up. I couldn't tell if it was the stupid pregnancy hormones or if I was genuinely terrified of loosing him.

"I've been through worse and survived. You won't get rid of me that easily!" He smiled kissing my forehead "Now go!"

I nodded and scrambled my way down onto the deck and toward the stairs to below deck. As a second bolt crashed into the sea inches away from the ship.  I looked back at Nico, fear welling up in the pit of my stomach. We locked eyes as thunder roared across the night sky. From helm I could barely hear Nico scream at me to get below deck.  Following his wishes I rushed down the stairs and into the corridor or doors.

Without thinking I started banging down each door, pleading with our friends to wake up. As the ship rocked aggressively from side to side I felt as though I was being bashed from one wall to an other as I banged each door down walking  our friend one my one they groggily opened their doors.

"Storm. Lightning. Sea. Help!" Was all I could
Manage to get out as I tried to stop myself from getting sick from the aggressive swaying of the ship.

I hate the sea. Sorry dad.

Jason was the first to spring to action running up onto the deck, shortly followed by piper and Leo as they reach the deck a wave crashed over the ship causing the hall To fill with water. I continued to bag down doors with my legs ankle deep in water. You think Leo would've installed some kind of drainage system?

I screamed banging from door to door as I struggled to keep my balance finally waking frank, Grover and hazel who helped me wake Annabeth and Percy who were seemingly out for the count. As they rang to the surface Annabeth hung back.

"You'd go, ima stay here with Soph for a second."

"You sure?" Percy asked her. He never did like letting her out of his sight.

"Go on, be safe seaweed brain" she smiled before walking back Towards me.

"You should go..."  a hiccup interrupted my sentence causing us to laugh as an other roar of thunder rolled across the sky above the ship. 

It felt like the storm was getting closer.

"This is no ordinary storm is it?" I asked as I tried to keep myself standing.

"When is my thing ordinary for it's probably the gods arguing"

"Are all quests like this?"

"In some way yes, in others no."

"We should go help. It doesn't feel like things are going too well up there" I sighed, my hands shaking slightly with anxiety. With the growing storm I was terrified of falling into the sea and drowning even though father said he wouldn't let it happened again, he couldn't stop a lightning bolt from making me a tossed shark snack.

Waves and Bones (A Nico di Angelo love story)Where stories live. Discover now