The Calm Before The Storm

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Let me tell you, I believed I was dead. The feeling of the water invading my lungs. Cutting off my ability to breath. It was painful. If I wasn't dead, I wished I was. When the darkness consumed me I excepted my faith and waited to meet the ferryman, Charon at the entrance to the underworld. A place I've wanted to visit for years just in order to reunite with my birth mother. Perhaps in the gods own sick and twisted way my prayers had finally been answered in the cruellest way...only I didn't meet Charon. I was surrounded by smokey darkness, trapped in my body. Riddled with pain. Till a hooded figure dressed in black came into my vision. Their skin sickly pale. Their eyes as dark as the night's sky.

"Sophia Isabelle Jackson. So I finally get to meet the infamous daughter of Poseidon." A masculine voice boomed causing the hairs on my neck to stand on edge.

" Umm y-yah" I replied my voice shaking. This is not how I imagined death.

"Don't be afraid. I will not harm you, that would only hurt my son. He's quite fond of you." The voice laughed at my fear.

"Lord Hades?" I questioned bowing my head in respect in case my suspicions were correct.

"Oh I like you, you've actually some manners unlike that brother of yours." I could tell he was smiling despite the lack of light.

"Yeah Percy can be a bit rude and overly sarcastic sometimes...sorry not to be frank Lord Hades but may I ask why I'm here with you and not in a boat on the way for my soul to be the judge. I'm almost certain I just drowned." I rambled

"Nico, he saved you from the lake, you too are connected in a way that fascinates me. He can sense your life force no matter how far apart you are. Even as we speak you are on the brink of death and he is blaming himself for not getting to you sooner it the fraction of life that remains in your body that's keeping him sane the minute the fates cut your tread he'd loose all will to live. I can't have that not after...he's already been through enough. My son may hate me and believe I hate him but he is my son. I can't stand to see him hurting and blaming himself for the death of someone so dear to him yet again. You bring a smile to his face, something I haven't seen since he was a baby and I'd hold him in my arms. He needs you and frankly, you need him too." Hades explained. I was shocked I knew me and Nico were always close we just always got along. I'm guessing the Fates had something to do with that.

" Nico okay...he didn't feel what I felt, did he? The waters closing much water...not enough air" and with that being the beautiful person I was I began to have a panic attack in front of the god of the underworld ones of the big three. The thought of Nico in pain feeling my suffocation and the sharp piercing pain of the air being sucked out of me and being replaced with ice cold water. It was gut-wrenching.

"Breath child. He couldn't directly feel your pain but he could sense it. Like how I sense every new soul that passes from the land of the living to the land of the dead. Usually, my children can sense a persons life force when they are side by side but with you and my son it's different. I don't quite know how but I do know it's dangerous for you two to be apart for too long. The sadness you felt even after your brother returned...Nico felt it too when he left camp after that blasted Child of Apollo broke his heart more than your idiotic brother...anyway besides the point. Nico felt the same pain and it was because you were two are destined for something great we can all sense it. Though above all else I sense darkness about whatever you will face in the future. That is while I am here, to warn you. If you find yourselves in a land where fire meets ice beware the creature born from stone. That is all I can tell you. The Fates have foreseen a possible complication in an ancient prophecy that has yet come to pass. I believe you and my son are the warriors the prophecy foreseen and half of Olympus agrees with me. Yours destined for greatness child and if my son could find a person like you. He'd be a very lucky man." The God smile catching me off guard. From all the stories Nico told me off his dad, the man never showed any emotion bar boredom and utter rage. The gods had really changed since defeating Gaea and uniting camp half-blood and camp Jupiter.

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