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Nico's PoV

Unstable and dazed the shadows vanished. A nauseating  feeling travelled through me for the first time in years. We made it.

In my peripheral vision I saw a blurry percy stumble to the edge of the bronze ships railings. The echo of his reaches lingered unsettlingly  in the empty night air.

It was quiet.

Too quiet.

"Warn a guy next time pal" percy groaned as he weakly turned back towards me.

"Percy? Nico?" A familiar voice questioned from the helm of the ship.

We barely had time to turn around before a familiar blonde rushed forward, almost jumping from the top of the stairs that lead to the helm onto the main deck in one movement. Reaching out to the dark haired boy to my right as though she was going to embrace the poor chap.

Only for her to turn at the last section in order to flip his body over her small but athletic frame in a singular motion. The blonde was found of Judo flipping the son of the sea.

"You're rather found of that greeting wise girl" percy groaned looking up at his girlfriend who towered over him as he lay flat out on his back.

"What did we say about leaving each other!" She all but growled.

"I missed you too" he chuckled.

"Two weeks seaweed brain, two weeks you've been gone! No sign of you returning. How many times ar eyou gonna make me think I've lost you!" Annabeth was shaking, anger and worry clearly pulsed through her body.

"TWO WEEKS!" Percy and I exclaimed in union completely dumbfounded. It didn't make sense, we only spent three nights on that island how did two weeks pass? Looking at Annabeth for further explanation but she looked like a power keg about to explode any second.

"Okay, Annabeth let's give the boys a breather they just got back" Jason attempted to soothe her as she placed a friendly hand on the girls shoulder. Only for it to be shrugged off as she reached forward grabbing fistfulls of Percy's shirt lifting him up, the poor chap looked like.her was preparing for the impact of the feisty girl's fist on his face only for.her to bring him forward for a kiss.

Leaving myself and jason standing there awkwardly as the pair had a warm reunion.

When it hit me.

"Where is she?" I turned to face Jason urgency laced in my voice.

"Her room, Frank is looking after her but Di Angelo, shes been out cold since the storm." I could feel my heart pounding in my ears. Every cell in my body, every fiber of my being terrified.

I ran. I ran as fast as I could toward her quaters. My heart hammered against my rib cage ready to burst our of my chest, I needed sleep. My muscles ached. I was terrified I'd lost her. I couldn't think about my own needs in this moment, she needed me. I couldn't explain it, I just knew in my gut. She needed me, she wouldn't, couldn't, wake up until we were back. I kept telling myself once I saw her with my own eyes. Once I knew shed be okay, I'd worry about my empty stomach and my aching limbs. I just needed to push myself to her room and get through that door.

The corridor was short, so why did it feel like it took an eternity to reach her.

Bursting through her room painting caused Frank to jump out of his skin, resulting in a chalice of nectar  being slipped all over him.

"For Hades sake!" Frank exclaimed clutching his chest as he attempted to regulate his breathing.

I couldn't help with roll my eyes making my way to.sit on the edge of her bed taking in her appearance.

Her skin was ghastly pale, as though all the life was being drained out of her. After two weeks she was beginning to look and bone. Yet, she looked peaceful. Her hands draped carefully over her large bump, in a protective manner.

It was seeing her bump that broke me, it felt like barely days ago we found out she was pregnant, that the gods had forced us into this scenario. Days since Zeus decided to speed up the process. Any moment to.adjust and get use to the concept of being teen parents ripped away from us. She looked roughly eight months pregnant.

It had barely been two months since they found out about her situation while visiting the underworld.

It wasnt fair.

"Come on Princess, it's time to wake up" I checked out in a tearful.whisper. I hated seeing her like this. So...vulnerable.

Because Sophia Jackson was anything but vulnerable.

It wasnt till I heard the door click shut that I realised frank had up and left. I wont lie, I was thankful the guy gave me some space.because I felt so lost and didn't know how to act around anyone.

Mainly because I couldn't think straight. Every thought. Every feeling. Everything! It was all just muddled and I couldn't see anything clearly.

I was overwhelmed with fear, with hatred, with worry. I was terrified of what was to come. Terrified that in a matter of days the babies would most likely be here. I was terrified because we had no clue as to what this quest had in store. I was worried I'd lose her. She was my rock. My person. The one solid constant in my life that never looked down on me for my mood swings. She stood by me and helped me navigate my conflicting feelings about her brother. She stood by me when Solace broke my heart. She helped put the pieces back together. She was my best friend.

So my do I keep getting these urges to be closer to her, to hold hold her. I've seen her hurt before and it's never affected me the way seeing her lying there unconscious and completely helpless has affected me. I just wanted to be able to look into her eyes and see the sparkle that always shun through when she tells me not to worry about her. To see the way her nose wrinkles up when she laughs or dimples form in her cheeks when she smiles. It felt like something more. I'd only ever felt this gut wrenching urge to be near a person once before and it was for percy.

Had I fallen for Soph?

The thought kept swirling around my mind. My fathers words echoing in the back of my mind.

You love may not realise it yet but it's evident you do

Was he right? Sure we'd kissed but... what did that mean? How was it going to change things. Would it ruin what he had? I dont think i could bare losing her.  Did she want to be more thank friends?

I just couldn't figure it out, I'd never been good with expressing my feelings, so even if I did want to be more than friends how could I tell.her without her worrying that it was only because of our situation.

Gods, I hate my life.

"Please Soph, I need you to open your eyes, I need you" I whispered, taking her hand in mine. For a moment I was shaken by how icy her skin was to touch. She felt like death causing my stomach to turn nauseously  with worry. Her life force seemed so weak, as though it was barely there. Struggling to keep her grip on this world, she was dancing with death and it was torture.

The silence was deafening. Every part of me was slowly convinced I'd lose her, half  certain it was Zeus' doing. Despite use being nowhere near completing out quest. I wasnt beyond believing hed act on his promise to harm soph before our child was even born.

I learned long ago to never trust the god.

"Neeks?" A weak voice mutted, it was enough to grasp my full attention as a tears infant realised I'd been holding back began to sleep down my cheeks. The breath I hadnt realised I was holding in finally released into the room allowing me bask in the relief.

She was gonna be okay.

Waves and Bones (A Nico di Angelo love story)Where stories live. Discover now