story of my life.

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Nico's p.o.v

So much has happened in the past few days. I keep thinking of my life and how messed up its become because if the gods and their stupid quests. I mean I could lose my best friend and my kid in this quest Rachel is apparently just gonna magically pull from thin air. My ex is trying to prove he still loves me. My dad seems to want me to undergo so much heartache and misery before I die. I suppose it's all he knows... there's been so much on my mind lately. Mainly my past haunting me in flashbacks and dreams.

My brain only seems to give me a break whenever Soph is around. She's my rock. I've no idea where I'd be without her. When she's not near though my mind drifts but one thought is always present...

So we all know the legend that is Heracles or as the Romans call him Hercules. The guy is known to be the strongest of all mortals, and even stronger some of the gods. He was supposedly the deciding factor in the triumphant victory of the Olympians over the giants, the first time around he did nothing the second time around... He was the last mortal son of Zeus of the ancient world and the only man born of a mortal woman to become a god upon his death. Which only busted his ego and all but nearly ruined our quest to fight game. If I ever ran into the guy again I'll send him to tetanus. The guys a complete asshole.

Back to Heracles, from birth his supposed 'strength' was a noticeable lack of intelligence or wisdom, making for a rather powerful vessel of stupidity. One time when the temperature was scorching, he pulled his bow out and threatened to shoot at the sun, yes ladies and gents he all but threatened to shoot Apollo. This, along with his strong emotions-which were more like hormonal outbreaks-frequently got Heracles in trouble. While his friends and cousin Theseus ruled Athens, He had trouble ruling himself. His pride was easily offended. He took up grudges easily and never forgot them. His appetites for food, wine, and women were as massive as his strength. Basically, he was a bit of a whore. Its no wonder the gods sent be those labours to try and put some manners on him...anyway many of Heracles' great deeds occurred while doing penance for stupid acts done in anger or carelessness.

The basic and typical depiction of Heracles is that of a muscle-bound buffoon to put it lightly. Even the Greek comedy playwrights used his character this way. I mean even among the most serious 'critics', he was often seen as a primitive, brutal, and violent man, which I can tell you I'd believe any day. There's evidence to support this idea. For example; his weapon of choice was a massive club; his customary garment was a cloak made of the nymianne lion's skin, with the head still attached; he impiously wounded some of the gods; he threatened a priestess of Apollo at Delphi when an answer to his questions was not forthcoming. He created most of his own problems. He's every bar of his father. Apologies lord Zeus, but it's true...

Well okay, I suppose viewing Heracles as simply a strong buffoon is unfair. He may have held grudges, but he would also do anything to help a friend. Once his anger passed, he was the most critical judge of his own actions. He was too strong for anyone to force a punishment on him. That he willing did severe penance shows a fundamental sense of justice. During his punishments, he showed patience, fortitude and endurance that according to Chiron and Percy were as heroic as any sense of physical strength. Terrible things happened to him because of Hera's hatred, a hatred that he was not responsible for. Yet despite all that he persevered through it all showing the mortals a moral victory beyond simple strength.

I mean he did undergo severe punishments the forms of Hera's labours. I dunno why his story has been running through my mind and I'm trying to figure out what it could possibly mean. I suppose I'm scared. Scared of what hera may do after we free her, she's unpredictable and despite her best efforts to hide it. She's quick to temper and does not value anyone's opinion bar her own.

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