The Kraken tired to hug our ship

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Soph's p.o.v

Twelve children of the elder gods,
Shall fight for the queen against all odds.
Where by fiery breath she'll be awoken,
And for one the ties of life shall be broken.
A child of Hades fight to battle with every breath,
A curse to break or face a timely death.
The jaws of defeat echo the call,
By waves and bones eternal night will fall.
But beware young demigods should you fail to return his queen, Zeus shall take the life of a mother...

The words ran through my head on repeat. The harshness of my reality sneaking up on my like a wild beast hunting its pray. That feeling of's suffocating. I know I'll have my friends and brother...and Nico to help me through this but the fact Zeus has so much control over what happens us is terrifying. He's speed up my pregnancy for Hades sake! He's insufferable. A Tarrant. A spolit brat! That's what he is. The mighty King of the Olympians is no more than an immature school boy who sulks ans throughs lightning bolts when he doesn't get his way. Maybe Hera was just feed up so.faked this whole.kidnapping ordeal!

That'd be great. Would mean our quest would be over. Done and dusted. Shelved ans forgotten. If only we were so lucky.

All i know is i am not letting zeus near mine nor my mother's life without a fight. I am going to be there for my baby. I will fight till my last breath to protect them and Nico.

"Earth to Sophia! Hello? Did you hear any of what I said?" Percy laughed waving his hand infront of my face.

"Soph, you doing okay there?" Nico asked giving a worried glance. How long had i been day dreaming?

"Sorry. Day dreaming. What were you saying?" I asked leaninv into Nico's embrace. The tension in his posture told me his mind was in the same place as mine.

"We were saying that piper and annabeth think they may have figured a few things out." Percy smiled sympathetically at us. Every kept doing that the past few days noticing how uneasy I was. We'd left camp half-blood two days ago and already my bumps doubled in size meaning that im.most likely gonna give breath on this quest. Which will also mean there'll be too many people of the quest. Endangering everyone's lives just to use my baby has a human homing beacon for Hera. Oh yeah I'm totally at easy over here guys. They need to stop focusing on my hormonal ass and start figuring out where on earth we're going. So piper and annabeth's stread of hope...well I'll admit it may be what i need.

"Then what are we standing about for Show me the gals with the plan, seaweed brain"

"Hey! Only annabeth gets to call me that" he pouted.

"Awh you pouting yah big baby" i laughed at my brothers immaturity.

"I'm not a baby!"

"Sure you're not!" I laugh even harder as he attempts to put on a puppy dog expression.

Annabeth coughs to get our attention back. "As we were trying to say, as long as we're at sea Poseidon will be able to protect you from Zeus..."

"And should that not be enough,my father has offered us sanctuary in the underworld as it is also outside if Zeus reach" Nico smiled running the small of my back.

"But what about Hera? If we find her we won't have to live in hiding"

"Knowing Juno...and Hera...she'll be somewhere inconvenient to say the least. Fiery Breath...what could that mean...?" Jason pondered passing the room.

Suddenly it dawns of me "Prometheus..."

Annabeth locks eyes with me..."Quite possibly...He stole fire from the gods before and was punished for it...Nico, Hazel is there any way of either of you finding out if Prometheus has escaped his punishment?"

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