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"Weasley!" Draco barked at me when he stormed into the Slytherin common room.

"Malfoy" I grinned, but deep down I was kind of scared of him when he shouts.

I jumped up from the sofa to stand.

"Are you really that thick?! What the bloody hell was that?" He demanded when he marched up to me

"Drac, calm down mate" Blaise said

"I told you, there's something about her that I don't like" I shrugged

"That doesn't mean you do that!"

"Fine, do you really wanna know?" I sighed dramatically

"Oh, do tell me"

"Okay, I missed the potion by accident so I'm moody and she was pissing me off, I don't like her attitude and I don't like how she was treating my friends, she's a bitch" I said "plain and simple"

"Wait, what potion, are you a werewolf?!" Theo asked me, his eyes going wide

"What?! Theodore, don't be ridiculous, no, the potion, toshopmillpenards" I mumbled the last part

"What was that? in English this time" Blaise said, Draco was still stood in front of me, looking livid for some unknown reason.

"To stop my periods, are you happy now?" I said, rolling my eyes

"Wait that's a thing?" Blaise asked

"Yes, and I forgot to take it yesterday, cause we were on the train then dinner" I said "Can we stop talking about it now!"

"you realise she works for the Ministry right? probably reporting all this back to them" Draco said

"What's the worst she can do, It's not like I'm anyone important, I got a detention, it's fine, all I did was throw a book near her, I could've hit her, but I didn't" I said "Now come on, lets go to dinner before my detention, and wonder why on earth its so early, reckon it's because of her bedtime?" I asked before heading for the exit of the Common room, Theo laughed at my last statement, Blaise let out a chuckle, but Draco doesn't appreciate my humour as much.

At Dinner, I rushed, more than usual, to eat my dinner, to make it in time for my detention.

Theo caught me up on everything I had missed in the class, Including Harry mouthing off at Umbridge and earning himself a detention for tomorrow and getting sent to Professor McGonagall, now I'm relieved she was too mad to think about sending me to Professor Snape.

When it had got to ten-to-Five, I said my goodbyes and quickly left The Great Hall and headed for Professor Umbridge's Office.

I knocked on the Door of her Office.

"Come in" She said, her sugary sweet tone had returned, once again.

Merlin's hairy nipples, Looking around her Office wide-eyed, I resisted the urge to laugh or scream in horror.

It was definitely girly.

There was lacy covers and cloths draped all around the office. Dried plants sat on frilly doily's. One of the walls was covered in a collection of ornamental plates, each containing kittens in different coloured bows. They were the most uglyist things I have ever seen in my life.

"These all yours?" I asked, pointing at the wall. "well cute"

"Evening, Miss Weasley" She said, ignoring my comment.

"Alright, Professor?" I asked, nodding

"Sit down, Weasley" She said, pointing at the pink frilly laced table.

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