Third Year - One

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September 1st 1993

"Oh my darling girl, I've only just got you back after four years and now you're going again, I've missed my baby" My mother, Molly Weasley, sobbed whilst she squeezed me in a bone crushing embrace.

"Mum! We're gonna miss the train" My Twin Brother, Ron Whined.

"Oh Hush Ronald, even if you did, its not like that would stop you from getting to Hogwarts" Mum glared at Ron as I stepped out of her embrace and she gave another hug to the other Twins, most likely threatening them if they misbehaved.

I snorted a laugh, remembering what Ginny told me about Ron and Harry's joyride in Dads car last year, but that was the best part as she caught me up of the events that occurred, I could only imagine how much that would've affected my little sister.

Ron shot a glare at me in a way of saying "you better shut up or I'll make sure you wont be able to find any of your class's"

"Ronald, you better look after Keira and help her, you should remember how hard it was for you on your first day at Hogwarts" Mum lectured Ron as Harry walked back over to us after having a chat about Merlin knows what with Dad, probably muggle related.

"Yes Mum, I know, but we really have to go!" my twin pouted, again.

"It's okay Mrs Wealsey, she has Harry and I to help her out as well" Hermione smiled as she gently nudged my side.

"Yes of course, off you go all of you and have a wonderful time, and behave!" Mum waved us off as we gathered up our luggage and made our way onto the Hogwarts Express.
"Wait! Ron! Don't forget Scabbers!" Mum called as she reached up with Scabbers held in her hands.

Ron reached through an open window to grab him from Mum, We then waved and shouted out goodbyes as the Train departed.

Percy was the first to leave us as he made his way to the Head Boy and Girl compartment. Then Ginny as she spotted some of her friends in her year and it was just Fred, George, Hermione, Ron, Harry and I.

Fred and George helped Carry some of my luggage as they were winking at some of the girls in their year, making a right show out of it as if they were big strong men, which they are not.

"Guys, come on, lets go find an empty Compartment" Ron nodded at us as he walked down the corridor full of students.

Fred and George had already left with their friend lee Jordan, when we eventually found a compartment at the end of the train, there was a man sat inside, he looked to be sleeping as he lent his head on the window, I noticed how his clothes were shabby wizard robes, he had scars on his face and light brown hair with specks of grey.

"Who'd you reckon he is?" Ron hissed as we sat down and Harry slid the door shut, Ron, Harry and I squashed up on the opposite seat, Ron making me sit at the window so he didn't have to sit right opposite the man, as Hermione took the other side, making sure to sit farthest from the window

"Professor R.J. Lupin" Hermione whispered.

"How'd you know that?"

"Its on his case dumb arse" I sighed as I smacked Ron across the head and pointed at the mans luggage.

"Ouch" Ron rubbed his head as he glared at me "wonder what he teaches"

"that's obvious" whispered Hermione "theres only one vacancy isn't there? defence against the dark arts"

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