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It was the last weekend before term. Harry had recovered, quicker than Draco, who "Coincidentally" took his bandages off the same weekend of the Quidditch match.

Draco, Theo and Blaise continued to taunt him ever since, when Ron finally had enough and threw a crocodiles heart at Draco's face in potions, therefore creating his new nickname from me "Crocface".

Lupin had dismissed Snapes set homework, and frankly I was pissed off.

"What?! Are you serious?!" I slammed my hands on the table, Theo laughing beside me. Turned out Hermione and I were the only ones who had actually done it and I made Lupin mark it anyway and say its for extra credit or something, he gave me five house points for it, probably out of pity.

The four of us, Draco, Blaise and Theo were sat in the three broomsticks each drinking a butterbeer.

I would still say we're not friends but I spent a lot of my time with them and I grew to accept their presence.

They were having a conversation about whatever as I focused on my parchment, scribbling random things down the list of my family members, trying to think about what Christmas presents I could get them, I was lucky enough to afford at least some what decent presents from my savings, saved up from my stay in France.

I had already got Mum and Dad some Sweets, Mum some more wool for her knitting and Dad a book about Muggle inventors. Percy some sophisticated novel, that I thought he might enjoy with some quills and inkpots, Charlie a pair of fireproof gloves, no doubt, if he even wore his they were probably tattered and ruined, Fred and George, i
I bought some random stuff from Zonkos and put them them in a bag, for each. Now all I had to buy for were Bill, Ron and Ginny.

I was going over things that Ron likes, and hopefully push him to talk to me, when speak of the devil, he, Harry and Hermione walked in.

"Was Ron carrying some bags?" I cut off the boys conversation when I pointed to the table Hermione and Harry were sat at, Ron had walked off to get drinks

"I don't know, I don't usually spend my time looking at Weasel" Draco drawled

"Quiet, crockface" I glared at him

"Where are you going?" Blaise asked me

"To see if Ron got me anything".

"Hey, 'Mione, Harry how nice to see you guys here" I grinned at them, then faltered "Wait- Har- how did you get here, I thought you wasn't allow- wow you learned how to apparate, thats impressive"

"you know thats exactly what Ron said" Hermione laughed

"No I didn't apparate" He rolled his eyes, then lifted a blank piece of parchment, like I was supposed to know what it did.

"Yeah, Harry, I know what that is, I have my own on my table, but that didn't get me here, I had to bloody walk in the snow" I pointed my thumb to the table I was previously sat at. Harry then went into a brief description of what it was and how Fred & George gave it to me

"How come Fred & George never gave it to me! I'm their sister!" I said

"He said that too"

"Anyways, the reason I'm here, you guys done your Christmas shopping yet, got some nice bits?" I asked them sweetly, discreetly trying to peer into the bags by the empty seat, guessing they were Ron's, apparently not too discreetly because Hermione caught on

"Keira, what are you doing? you can't look in that, you're ruining it"

"Hermione, you are so quick to assume the wor- wait he got me something?"

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