8. Suicidal Meets Naked

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What I saw was unexpected it was a...


A very large wolf

An abnormally large wolf but what made it so unique was its silver eyes and gold pupil.

It had midnight black fur that was wet because of the rain.

I remained frozen as the wolf stared at me. I for some reason didn't feel scared. Maybe it's because I'm suicidal.

I stare back, willing It, daring it to make a move. My heart beating fast. I'm not sure whether it's because I'm secretly scared, I'm antsy or maybe something else...

After a few more seconds of staring at each other, the wolf left.

I mentally signed in relief. I made another attempt to jump of the rock I was standing on so I can complete what I came here to do when a naked man appeared out of nowhere.

My cheeks heated up as I avoided looking lower then his waist. My eyes on their own will looked over his muscular built and perfectly crafted face. My heart once again started beating fast but this time not from fear.


His pink lips set in a slight frown  making me want to kiss the frown away. I couldn't deny the immediate attraction I felt but the thing is I couldn't explain it either.

His grey eyes that had hints of gold were sparkling with realization and curiosity but also....fear?

He was really handsome. I admitted momentarily forgetting about my situation.

I mentally scold myself for thinking that.

Even if we were the only two beings on this earth he would never even have the tiniest bit of liking for me.

After what seemed like forever of staring at each other I finally decided to look away and say something because it started getting awkward. I never in a million years imagined myself in a situation like this.

"Umm...look if you are here to stop me then don't even bother". I whisper sadly. The fast beats my heart was taking were not calming down even for a second.

"And also, please put on some clothes" I continue. Very distracting.

"Who said I'm here to stop you" he said with a smirk revealing a dimple on his right cheek in a deep husky voice. He expression was amused but his eyes showed fear. Sadness even.

He was making me feel things, things that i shouldn't....couldnt feel. Thank goodness he grabs pants and a shirt from the bush next to him

I don't even bother wondering where he got those clothes or why he was naked.

"Well then enjoy the show". I said after a few seconds of staring at him.

I was about to jump of the rock when he said "Wait! Before you kill yourself or whatever, can you at least tell me why". I just looked at him for a second. Contemplating.

I was about to tell him since I was gonna die anytime soon but then realised he was stalling me.

"I know what you are doing, dont even bother trying to stop me" after saying that I wasted no more time and jumped of the rock. Tears fell freely from my eyes as I stared at the man who was panicking.

Black dots started appearing and I knew then that it was time.

Chase Travis

When she jumped of the rock. I felt pain. Her pain and for a few seconds as she struggled to breathe I just stared. Stared into her tearful eyes.

I could just let her die. I don't want her right? This is my chance to free myself and it won't hurt as much since the mate bond isn't strong.

My wolf growled at my thoughts. I felt dizzy and almost fell.

Quickly regaining myself i went to her and lifted her up while trying to untie the knots.

Once I was done she was unconscious and thank the goddess still breathing.

I could hear her heartbeat but it was faint. So very faint.

I ran using my wolf speed but still in human form to the city hospital since I didn't want to take her to the pack hospital...

I got in and almost immediately she was attended to. I didn't want to stay with her and my wolf was angry casting dizzy spells my way so I blocked him, he was starting to become a burden.

I asked the doctor if she was going to be okay and he told me that she was going to be fine so I took that as my cue to leave.

I ran home hoping my family was fast asleep because if they were awake I was gonna be bombarded with questions and I was not in the mood for that.

I still couldn't believe I found my mate. My suicidal little mate.

Just my luck because when I walked into the house my mom hugs me and my dad sighs in relief I haven't been gone for that long have? Either way they should not worry, I'm a werewolf I can handle myself well enough.

"Where were you and why do you smell of a human". My mom said no longer hugging me and obviously angry.

"Mom I was going for a run in my wolf form then I decided to go for a cup of coffee". I lied. I don't want to tell them about my mate just yet.

"Next time warn us would yah". My dad said walking to his room.
After their interrogation I went to my room took a quick shower, wore my Pajama pants then i went to bed not before thinking about my mate.

Stupid mate bond. I could feel it brewing...growing.


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