14. Mom's Gone.

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Chase Travis

I have finally told my parents about Gem being my mate and they were happy but I didn't tell them that I didn't want her, at least i don't have to worry about that anymore. I can scratch that off my list of stressful things.

When I found out that she was being abused my wolf wanted to go kill that sorry excuse of a father but my dad refused saying it will only cause more problems.

And I had no other choice but to agree since he was still Alpha.

I haven't broken up with Alice because it's the only thing assuring me that I didn't need Gem and that I could be with anyone despite the mate bond.

My wolf wasnt pleased of course and he made his displeasure very obvious by giving me a headache and causing dizzy spells.

Today was a busy day. So much for a lazy Saturday. I woke up early and had to go with my dad to the police station to get information on these murders that suddenly appeared out of no where.

I had this unsettling feeling that these are not just rogue attacks because 1st of all we would have known if it was just a normal rogue attack by their scents. Werewolves can detect whether you are in a pack or not and rogues are not in packs so our gaurds would have smelt them but they had no scent.

And secondly rogues are lone wolves they don't hang out in groups and it seemed in every one of the murders there was more then just one wolf there.

And lastly there were also double bite marks on the bodies, we suspect the rogues but they also dont have scents so It could possibly be something else.

I sigh because we were not getting anywhere with this matter.

I sigh because we were not getting anywhere with this matter

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I was happy. Generally happy for the first time in forever, I still had nightmares and flash backs of my time with my family but it was getting better each day.

Adelines family accepted me as if I was one of them, they treated me like I was family and i honestly don't know why they accepted me so easily but they did and I'm thankful for it.

I helped out around the mansion because I felt like I should at least give them that for all they have done for me. I owed them my life. I cooked and sometimes I cleaned even though Jenna told me I didn't have to but I wanted to do this it made me feel less of a charity case even though I most likely am.

I haven't gone to school since I came to their house but they told me I would go the following week because I needed time to get used to things, i needed time to just calm down and think without expecting to be hit. I needed time to heal both mentally and physically and so far so good but I am not there yet but I'm sure i will get there.

Me, Gem and her mom did go shopping on Friday and they bought me everything I needed even though I felt uncomfortable with them spending money on me they just ignored my complaints and bought from dresses, jeans, tank tops, sweaters, to underwear, pads, tooth brushes and what not but I am thankful for the though and love they have showed me.

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