44. Wings

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The wedding was tomorrow or at least that's what I thought, I still wasn't sure what time it was and to say I was not looking forward to it would be an understatement.

I had no idea how to escape this unrealistic reality. I suddenly missed my old life, the abuse was so much better then this...this horror.

My back was surprising healed and there were no scars, I'd like to think well more like hope that my powers were somehow surfacing so that tomorrow I at least had a way to save myself from this unfair fate cast upon myself.

Although my back was healed, there was a throbbing ache on it and it seemed to only get worse, not to mention my hungry stomach was aching, begging for any sort of food.

I could not move not because of my hurting stomach but my back, the pain was increasing by the minute and I found myself groaning and wincing in agony.

A scream booms from my parted lips as the pain from my back got ten times worse, no, a hundred times worse.

Sweat drips from my forehead as a wave of tiredness filled my system. I thought the pain was at its worst but oh boy was I wrong.

I release another loud scream as I felt something tearing the skin of my back, I could feel a wet substance dripping from my back that could be nothing but blood. My back got heavier as if I had a weight on it.

I was suddenly lifted of the ground. I took a glance behind me and a gasp left my lips.


I had grown wings and I was flying! Well not exactly flying as there was not much room for that. More like hoovering of the ground.

I get back to the ground, my tiredness forgotten and replaced by excitement and curiousity. I place a hand on the feathery looking wings. The wings felt smooth.

They were a white, cream colour and felt soft and smooth and...very sensitive. They were beautiful.

I was so caught up in the fascination of my wings I had not noticed that there was a second being in the dungeons.

"Oh my goddess" whispered the guard who had beaten me to a palp. "His majesty would love to see this" he mused as his eyes twinkled.

He fished for something in his pocket, keys, once they were out he unlocked the cell. "Don't try anything stupid. You don't want a repeat of last time now do you" he threatened.

He grabs my hand painfully as I struggle from his hold. "Let me go!" I scream, pushing and pulling.

"Listen to me bitch, if you struggle once more I will hurt you" he threatens but I don't listen, I carry on pulling my hand out of his tight might I add painful hold.

"That's it!! You asked for it" he slaps me across the face and I tumble to the ground.

"You..you over grown leech!" I yell. My vision suddenly blurred. All I could see was the guard in front of me and a white background.

My hands moved on their own as they position themselves in front of me. They start glowing and I felt energy rising from my core. A white blur shoots out of my palm and heads straight to the guard who was looking scared...as he should.

I felt exhilarated. This feeling felt so amazing, as if all the pent up anger finally released.

The guard once hit by the blur falls back hitting the wall then falling to the ground. The wall had a big crack.

I felt so energetic...so blood thirsty. I craved a good fight. I opened the doors, getting out of the dungeon with a goal in mind.

Kill the Vampyr King.

And if I'm lucky even Chris.

And if I'm lucky even Chris

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