Book one of the 'Broken' Series
Was originally called 'Broken Mate'.
Normality was something Gem would never understand, for her life was anything but normal.
But to her, the abuse, the bullying it was all normal for her.
What wasn't normal though...
Yesterday was amazing I danced with Chase. That was my favourite part of the night.
Chase was now Alpha and Jake Beta.
They have been super busy but I don't blame them being a leader of a huge pack doesn't look easy.
"Hey Gem. Chase is calling you" Jake called out.
I gulp in nervousness.
He makes me nervous especially after yesterday.
I head up to his study. I knock and heard a muffled come in so I did just that.
"You can sit. We need to talk"
I sat down in front of him.
He looked mature and scary behind the desk.
He had no smile or any visible emotions on his face.
"Alpha..did I do something wrong" I say awkwardly. I wasn't sure if I was to call him by his name or...Alpha.
His eyes change colour and he lets out a growl.
"Call me Chase. Never call me Alpha. Never bow down. You are my mate"
I only nod at that.
He seemed so different from when I first saw him back then he was immature but mysterious at the same time.
And now that he is Alpha. He has this power radiating off of him. He seems mature and stronger, I guess that what happened when you have a shift of power.
"Now we need to talk about you becoming luna"
"When the ceremony of you becoming luna begins females from the pack are allowed to challenge you"
I silently gasp in shock and fear, I was in no way prepared for that.
"You are not experienced in fighting so I'm gonna train you, somedays my best warrior will help you when I'm busy"
I nod my head still shocked and dazed.
"Your fist lesson starts tomorrow morning at 5am"
I nod again.
I've for that moment gone mute.
"Now leave, I'm quite busy"
Well that didn't hurt at all.
I stand up then walked towards the door.
"Hey Gem!" I heard Chase call out.
"Move into my room"
Well I did not expect that at all.
I turn to face him and his one eye is gold and his other one is silver.
That's so fascinating. Beautiful but creepy.
" I don't thi-" He cuts me off.
"I wasn't asking. Now leave"
I thought he said I was his equal. Equal my foot. I got out of his study.
I was not planning on sleeping with him since he was being so damn cocky. Plus what changed, what made him accepting. What made him want to be my mate.
I made my way down stairs to the living room and watched a spondgebob square pants marthon.
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It was now 4pm and I've been watching Spondgebob ever since the morning.
Since Jenna and Mr Travis moved to their own house yesterday after the party. Me and a few omegas have been busy around the house.
With cleaning and cooking and all of course me doing the cooking.
I went to the kitchen and took out my ingredients to make Stake, for supper.
I know Jake and Chase like their meat medium rare while Adeline and i liked ours Fully cooked.
I get started on supper and hours later I was finished.
I knock on the study and opened the door.
I inform Chase about supper then I tell Jake and Adeline who just came back from her date with Chris.
After a few minutes Adeline came to the table and we both ate. We waited for the guys but none of them came. So it was just Adeline and I.
"Hey can you tell me why this pack doesn't have a Gamma" I casually ask her.
She freezes for a moment.
"That's not my story to tell" she dismisses the question.
Well there is something that's deffinatly wrong.
After super I walked to my room. I opened the door and walked to the closet to take my pyjamas out. My cow themed pyjamas that I loved so much.
I opened the closet and just like that my clothes where not there
Someone took my clothes. Someone did some sort of voodoo magic and made my clothes disappear. I could have sworn they were here when I woke up.
Then it hit me. I'm moving to Chases room he probably ordered one of the Omegas to take my belongings there.
Omegas in this pack were treated kindly they were respected. But most of them were servants.
By choice though.
Anyway, I stormed up to Chases room and sat on his bed waiting for him to arrive.
Goodness is he gonna get a hell of a scolding from me.
1 hour 2 hours 3 hours.
Well it probably wasn't that long but it sure as hell felt like 3 hours.
I waited and waited for him to come back but he never did. My eyes felt heavy.
I yawned. Agg I'll be mad at him tomorrow.
I take my pyjamas and change into them then I head to his bed and once my head hit the pillow it was lights out for me.
I felt the bed dip then I felt strong warm arms around my waist.
He pulled me closer to him and fell asleep. I also then fell into a deep sleep.
"Whenyou train my dear Ezmeralda train with your all. Push yourself till you can'tany more for yourtraining will not just benefityou for the Luna position but for the war that is soon arriving"
The familiar voice said.
I look around and i see the familiar darkness.
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