I woke up around 5pm and prepared supper then ate mine. I went back to my room, since I was bored, I decided to read a book. Romeo and Juliet, a classic.
After about what seemed like an hour I heard the door open and i knew it was my parents. So I ran down stairs so I can serve them their supper which was stupid of me really. I should have know that he wouldn't brush of the fact that I was missing yesterday.
"WHERE WERE YOU!!" my dad yelled after he saw me. He started walking towards me and then he slapped me. "TELL ME!" I didn't say anything, I mean how do you tell your dad you went to go kill yourself because of him. "OOH SO YOU ARE NOT GONNA SPEAK!" He continued. He pushed me to the ground and started kicking me.
He pulled me up from the ground and dragged me out of the door, then he shoved me into his car. I winced at the force.
He closed the door then went to the drivers seat. "Since you don't want to talk, I'm going to have to punish you for leaving without my permission." He said with an evil smirk.
I was getting really scared but I kept my mouth shut, like a good girl. He drove for about 10 minutes then stopped in front of a decent sized house. He got out then came to my side, opened the door and pulled me out. He knocked on the door and a chubby, old and bald man opened the door and looked at me then at my dad wth a smirk.
Oh no. No. No. No. Don't let this be what I think it is.
I looked at my dad with pleading eyes but he only pushed me inside the house. "I'll give you until midnight". My dad said while walking towards his car.
The bald man closed the door then walked towards me. "Am I gonna have fun with you tonight!" he said with a grin, walking towards me. I was moving backwards and to my luck there was a wall stopping me. "Please don't". I plead with tears threatening to fall.
"Don't worry sweety I'll be gentle, you see your dad told me I'll only be getting you next week But to my surprise here you are". He chuckles.
He walked toward me then ripped my shirt off. "Please stop! please!" I begged but it was no use he then ripped my pants of. I screamed , I tried to push him of, I promise I did but he didn't stop, he didn't stop. Why didn't he stop?! He started kissing me all over and all I could do was just lie there while he hurt me while he took the one thing I could call my own, the one thing that was mine...gone.
Finally satisfied he stood up and wore his clothes then threw me a very large shirt. I took it and quickly wore it. "You should come back next time." He winked then went into what looked like a bathroom.
I ran outside ignoring the pain between my legs, not trusting being in the same room as him.
I couldn't cry or feel. I was numb, I can now finally say I've lost everything.
My dad arrived. I walked into the car and saw my dad taking money from the old scam bag who took a part of me, I don't even know his name for crying out loud. He got in after being paid for allowing a man I didn't even know violate me.
The ride home was silent. I got home and rushed to the bathroom and took a shower, I scrubbed my body hard, trying to remove the scent of the bald man off of me, trying to remove the blood....my blood. Trying to regain my innocence back but to no avail.
I couldn't stop the tears from falling this time, I couldn't breathe, I didn't want to sleep because I was scared that that man would violate me in my dreams too.
Finally it was morning. I watched the sun rise from my bed.
I went and prepared breakfast barely eating mine and went back upstairs to take a shower. After my shower i wore dark blue jeans, a black top and a warn out sweater. I didnt bother brushing me hair nor did i tie it, I left it hanging. I was too tired, too worn out to even bother.

More Then Just Broken
FantasyBook one of the 'Broken' Series Was originally called 'Broken Mate'. Normality was something Gem would never understand, for her life was anything but normal. But to her, the abuse, the bullying it was all normal for her. What wasn't normal though...