42. Werewolf King

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Chase Travis

My parents have arrived and they were in their room freshening up.

I told them to meet me in the study in an hour and the hour was up and now I was waiting for their arrival.

"What time did you say they will get here again?" Nicola says.

She had freshened up and looked much better then before. Her hair brushed and her clothes clean.
She was wearing pants and a t-shirt

Before I could answer her my parents walked in.

"Mom, dad I'd like you to meet Nicola" when my dad met Nicolas eye he froze.

"Nicola..Nicola Travis" My dad says slowly.

"Yes..it's me Uncle"


"Dad..do you mind explaining" I say breaking the silence.

He looks at me and sighs.

He takes a seat with my mom next to him on the couch.

"Nicola I'm guessing you are here to tell us about how you need a new king"

Nicola nods.

My dad then looks at me.

"Sit down son..this is alot to take in"

I sit down on my office chair.

"Long time ago when I was about your age Chas-" before he could finish his sentence Adeline walks in.

"I though you were supposed to be resting, the doc-" she cuts me short.

"Yes, but I'm not gonna miss out on whatever is going on Here, plus I need to tell you all something very important" I nod at her and she sits down.

I look at my dad a nod again for him to continue.

"As I was saying, I was about your age Chase when I ran away. Since I was the oldest son by 5 minutes I was the next in line for the thrown but I didn't want to become king, I was irresponsible and immature so when it was the crowning ceremony me and my brother pretended to be each other.

Since we were twins everyone fell for it. My brother became King and I ran away, that's when I met your mother and since she was the Alphas daughter, I became the Alpha of the moon rise pack.

What I'm trying to say here Chase is that you are the rightful owner of the thrown. You are the rightful king of the werewolves, that's why your powers were always stronger then everyone else"

The room was silent. Adeline has grown pale, dad looked guilty and I was shocked to say the least.

I just couldn't fathom this information fast enough.

"I've seen it!" Adeline suddenly says breaking the silence.

We all give her weird looks. "When I was in a coma, I had visions, at first I didn't know what the were or what they meant but now I know.

I've seen the future. My gift after so many years has finally worked! I also saw Gem. She is the angel goddesses daughter, I also saw her fighting Gaia, mother nature and...and I saw many people dying because of the vampyrs, I saw a great war and angels in the sky...." Adeline rambles. She was speaking too fast.

"Calm down and explain to us slowly dear" mom says holding her hand.

Adeline takes a deep breath then let's it out. "When I was in that deep sleep, I saw many things, one of them being Gem...she is the angel goddesses daughter. She is what the hybrid prophecy was talking about.

I saw her mother, her mother is going to be killed by the goddess of Nature. I saw the vampyr king, he is also part of the attacks happening around town.

I saw a great war between the wolves and the vampys and even the angels lastly...lastly I saw Chris with another woman" She says with tears falling from her eyes.

Mother hugs her in an attempt to comfort her. "What about me being the King" I remind her. I still can't grasp the idea of me being the werewolf king.

I still didn't understand what Adeline was saying. She wipes her tears.

"I have an idea. Chase use your power to duplicate my power so you can see the future" she says.

I look at my parents for reassurance and they nod their head. I place my hand on where Adelines powers were, which was her head and concentrate hard.

Blue light comes from under my hands and Adeline gasps while I wince at the strong power making my head hurt.

My body becomes numb and my eyes close and then I am surrounded by darkness.

I see a crown being placed on my head......

I see a crown being placed on my head

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