41. Nicola

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Miley Cyrus as Nicola


Chase Travis

It's been 2 days since Gem disappeared with no clue to her whereabouts.

I feel like the worst mate ever.

I inflicted so much pain on her and now for the second time I've lost her.

I almost rejected her for what? ....only my immature mind knows the reason.

I lost her to her sister and Father who are now rotting in my dungeons and that made me realise how much I needed her.

Then I got her back only to lose her again.

I punch the wall of my study making a huge dent on it while my hand bruises but quickly healed.

I am so fucken frustrated with all this shit.
Her being missing
The vampyrs and rogue attacks
Taking care of the pack
My sisters complaining about Chrises whereabouts

I'm fucken tired.

I go outside and strip my clothes off and head for a run in my wolf form

I run around the borders of my territory trying to dull down the flames of my frustration.

I slow down to catch my breath after a few hours.

As I was aimlessly walking around I noticed  a figure moving right outside the borders.

I growl loud enough for the figure to hear.

The figure looked to be one of a females and it was heading this way.

I growl once more and take my battle stance ready to pounce at the threat that was a few miles ahead of me.

The woman was finally close enough for me to take her in.

She has short blond pixie hair and was dressed in a ripped black dress.

Her scent hit me hard.

She was a werewolf.

"I come in peace" she says with a smirk.

I head behind a tree and pick up a bag with clothes the we randomly placed around my territory for this reason.

I shift back into my human form and put on the shorts that were inside.

When she saw me she gasped.

"So it is true" she whispered.

"Who are you and what are you doing on my grounds" I growl.

"Calm your tits Alpha. I come in peace and I come with information that i think you would like to know" she rolls her eyes.

I look into her dark blue eyes. She looked so familiar but I couldn't make out who she was.

I grab her arm and start walking with her towards the pack house.

"Hey be gentle" she says hitting me so I let her go but I don't regardless.

After a couple of minutes of me dragging this girl with my werewolf speed we arrive.

I open the pack house door and I am greeted with Jake and one of his friends watching TV and eating pop corn.

They look my way.

Well only Jake's  friend I think by the name of Sean, Jake was staring at the girl I dragged here.

And she was staring at him.

It didn't take me that long to discover why they were staring at each other as if they were gonna eat each other.

I let her hand go knowing what was coming next.

Jake walks to her and pulls her to him. His places his nose on her neck and inhales deeply.

"Hi mate I'm Jake" he whispers into her neck.

"Nicola" she moans.

I clear my throat to get their attention.

"Nicola, Jake follow me to my study"

I start walking to the study with them following behind me.

When we arrived I took a seat on the office chair and they sat on the two chairs that were facing me.

"Now...why were you on my territory" I ask harshly.

Jake growls lowly.

I look at him with my eyebrow raised.

He looks away.

"What I need to tell you Alpha Chase is really important. Your parents need to be here" she says calmly.

"And I should trust you because?"

"I am not expecting you to trust me but I'm expecting you to listen to me. What I want to say is really important.

It has to do with the werewolf race. Please call your parents and tell them to come here as soon as possible"

I looked at her for a second trying to see if she was lying.

But she wasn't.

I nod my head still cautious around her.

"Okay but if this is some sort of trick I promise You, you will not make it out of here alive"

Jake stands up growling at me.

"Don't say that to my mate" he glares at me.

"The pack comes first Jake and if your mate puts my pack in danger I will not care that she is your mate and I will kill her" I say calmly.

He just growls and sits down.

"Now I will call one of the omegas to take you to one of the rooms here so you freshen up and get something to eat

I will call my parents, they will probably be here by night fall so I will call you when they arrive"

I mindlink an omega to come fetch Nicola then I dismiss Jake and I start with my Alpha duties.

But I couldn't help but think of Gem.

I am glad that she is not hurt because If she was I would feel her pain.

I am glad that she is not hurt because If she was I would feel her pain

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