12. Homeless

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Song: Tell me where you've been- M.Bronx


I watch the sun rise a declaration that it was morning. I still couldn't sleep. He would get me again if I sleep.

I showered and wore my clothes.

Today was Friday and i honestly am glad that it was almost the weekend I needed a break from school. I was not looking forward to today after what happened yesterday but part of me was excited because I was going to see Chase.

Ever since I met Chase the need to see him has grown stronger everyday.

I hope this infatuation would disappear soon because I'm just signing myself up for a heartbreak.

After I prepared breakfast I ate mine and left for school. For that short moment of walking to school I felt a bit of calmness until I arrived at school and my calmness disappear and was replaced by anxiety.

Everyone was whispering and looking at me with disgust some even calling me names.

I got to my locker and started taking out the books that I would need for today when I saw Chase walking to his locker with Alice pushing herself closer to him.

She saw me looking at them, with a smirk she went in front of Chase and  planted her lips on his, kissing him. That made me feel the forbidden emotion... jealousy and sadness because of the fact that he kissed her back.

When he saw me staring at them  he smirked showing his dimples but his eyes looked like he regretted kissing Alice? He almost looked like he was in Physical pain.

He removed himself from her and stumbled backward. He was dizzy and his faced looked ill.

I stopped looking at them then took the rest of my books and walked away as much as I was hurt I blamed myself for that because I let myself feel infatuated or whatever this emotion was.

Maybe you don't have a crush on him but maybe you are just jealous of your sister.

I said trying to convince myself and i finally agreed with that, I can't have a crush on someone I barely knew. Adeline seemed to see my distressed look and came to hug me as I was walking to my first class.

"I'm sorry" she said softly. I didn't even know why she was apologizing or even hugging me but I hugged her back.

"W-what are you apologizing  and hugging me for, I'm not hurt". I whispered as she broke the hug.

"I um I just- I was just hugging you because that's what friends do" I could tell she was lying but I didn't push it maybe she saw me looking at Chase and Alice kissing and she saw the sadness in my eyes and thinks I have a crush on Chase.

The bell rang and i went to class along with everyone else. Before I knew it, it was lunch and i was walking to my locker after I told Adeline to meet me in the cafeteria, Alice came out of nowhere and slapped me across the face.

"You stupid b*tch, you are very funny do you know that, you have a crush on Chase even though you know you are way to ugly to get a guy like him. Hysterical". She said laughing.
She pushes me against the locker. "Stay away from my boyfriend" she walked away not after laughing at my face.

I sighed.

I closed my locker and picked up my books then started walking towards the toilet. I looked at myself in the mirror and luckily I only had a light bruise from her slap. I then remembered I had to meet Adeline at the cafeteria so I got out of the toilet and walked to the cafeteria.

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