Chapter twenty-nine

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I stood there watching Taehyung gaze down at Y/n, falling asleep on his lap. It's obvious he likes her a lot but what he did to her was not right so I don't understand why he abused her like that when he's clearly head over heels in love with this girl.

A sigh left me and I came to sit on the coffee table in front of him, however he didn't even bat a eye lif my way and kept his full concentration on her showing a small smile on his face as he watches her. It was cute but it's good to always see him smile since it's not often almost rare even to see him show off his genuine smile.

Behind me I heard Jungkook mention something about the kitchen and their footsteps wonder off towards the second door in the room that leads to the dining room but also to the kitchen. I didn't bother to look back at them and kept my focus on Taehyung.

"So, Taehyung. How are you feeling? About your leg I mean."

I chuckled pointing towards his rested leg but he raised a brow at me, finally breaking from his adoring gaze from the woman sleeping on him as we speak.

"Jin we both know what you really want to ask, I'm not stupid." Taehyung

I was taken back and overexaggerated a gasp.

"Tae, I'm offended, do you really think I don't care about your wellbeing?"

Taehyungs blank look stared back at me, leaning back against the back of the couch but pulling up his right arm to rest on the back of it also.

"It's not that. I just know you and I know instead you'd rather be asking me about Y/nn and how I feel about her because of what you now know." Taehyung

Damn it, he's good.

Cursing to myself I threw fist down clicking my fingers because I was caught red handed but that didn't mean I held back my smile.

"Shit I should of known you would guess that."

Taehyung rolled his eyes and yet shook his head at me.

"Just lay it on me Jin, get the scolding over with." Taehyung

I quietly laughed, shaking my head but spreading my legs to then rest my elbows on my knees.

"I'm not going to scold you but I will hit you for what you did to that poor girl. Just wait until your legs gets better then I'll deal with you." Jin

He cracked a smile and swayed his head to the right of him, almost to rest his cheek on his shoulder as his eyes rested on Y/n again. But I noticed the longer his eyes lingered on her, his smile started to disappear.

"What is it?"

He shook his head at me, scrunched up his nose to sniff and then turned his head away from Y/n to look out the living room window just to see Yoongi getting out the van with bags of food.

"It's nothing. I just..." Taehyung

I leaned forward trying to pressure him in some way with my stare.

"Just what?"

Even hearing the front door open and Yoongi's steps inside the house did I ignore that and kept my focus on Taehyung.

"I feel bad. You know about what I did to her." Taehyung

"Of course you would, you're not a complete monster Taehyung, anyone that knows you would know that."

"But she doesn't know me in the way that I wished and that's my fault." Taehyung

I leaned back away from him, straightening my back and just watching him stare off back towards the window deep in thought and frowning intensely.

"God I wish I could change it all Jin. I treated her so badly and I honestly don't know how to make it up to her." Taehyung

His saddened eyes met mine, his dark orbs staring back at me.

"You'll think of something, you always do. You're Kim Taehyung and plus I honestly think what you're doing by protecting her family, the kids, you're on your way."

Taehyung scoffed at me, breaking that eye contact we had to divert his attention back to the living room window.

"I don't think so." Taehyung

"Then tell me why she's sleeping on your fucking lap you moron?"

I slapped his knee with the back of my hand. He winced at me, just to glare afterwards, gritting his teeth together.

"Don't touch my leg or I'll cut yours off." Taehyung

"Pft, I'd like to see you try."

He didn't say anything back but glare at me. I just chuckled knowing he cant touch me when he's for one injured in one leg and second he's got the woman he loves laying on his lap.

"DADDY!" Yoojin

Hearing her shout at the top of her lungs and Kwans little giggle caused Taehyung to turn around towards the door that leads to the front door and myself to straight back to see over her head. Now baring witness to the twins jumping up into Yoongi's arms happily while Hoseok takes the bags from Yoongi. I heard Taehyung grunt and he turned back round, showing off his mean scowl.

"I fucking hate that sometimes." Taehyung

I stifle a laugh but a little bit fell through and he heard me and fully let me know by glaring at me.

"Hate what? That you're own kids call him daddy and not you?"

He grunted at me again like an animal and lowered his gaze to the floor at my feet.

"Well that's karma for you Tae."

"Yeah well I fucking hate it. I'm their real dad, they're my blood and yet I'm uncle Taetae in their eyes. Nothing more than that and it sucks ass." Taehyung

"Its better than nothing or them hating you which I'm sure they will if they ever find out the truth between you and Y/n when they grow up."

Slowly did his expression turn from fierce to sadness, but only did that last for a second before he replaced it with a blank expression. It doesn't take a fool to know he's hurting inside but it's his fault for the way things have turned out but right now he's closing himself off from his feelings by putting on this unbothered expression.

"Anyway when Namjoon wakes up I need to have a conversation with Jinho and he needs to be part of it." Taehyung

Unsure to why, I tilt my head to the side, showing my clear confusion over this decision.


"Because Namjoon mumbled something to me before he passed out. I think I heard what he said but I have to be sure and it involves Jinho. I'll let you know about it once Ive spoken to the both of them." Taehyung

I nodded at him, and stood up knowing this whole talk about Y/n and his karma has put up his protective shield in his mind I knew it was no use to continue this.

"I'll go see if the guys need help with anything then."

"Okay, I'll be here resting my eyes." Taehyung

He waved me off, already hanging his head back against the back of the couch with his eyes closed. I just smiled at the sight of him with Y/n and even over at Namjoon still passed out on the couch unaware of the conversation Taehyung and I had.

Leaving the room I headed towards the kitchen to find everyone else, listening out for the twins laughter and little voices. Having kids around I don't think is so bad, it kind of brightens up the place around here and definitely lifts up everyone's spirits.

It's just Taehyung now having to sort out his shit when it comes to Y/n. There's a lot he's not telling her about the way he feels but at the same time I can see why he hasn't. But sooner the better for all of us because clearly this is only the start of how things are going to go from now on until a permeant stop is made.

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