Chapter eight

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After a painfully long day I finally put the twins to bed, reading them a bed time story as the men downstairs spoke of god knows what. Taehyung made it clear that he wanted to speak to everyone once the kids were asleep and I was trying my hardest to prolong that since I didn't want anything to do with him but eventually the kids fell asleep and I had no choice but to go downstairs and join everyone else.

The only person in the living room where everyone waited, that I was comfortable with was Yoongi. So when I walked in all eyes were on me but I sat next to Yoongi on the couch just across from Taehyung who sat in our single seater that is usually yoongis spot in the living room but Taehyung decided to take up the position.

"Y/n, how nice of you to join us." Taehyung

I folded my arms over my chest and rolled my eyes to his snarky comment.

"Well then down to business. Again I'd like to thank everyone of you for coming here on such short notice. It's been years I know but given the circumstances we meet again over a promise I made to Yoongi. Isn't that right Yoongi?" Taehyung

He asks the man in question with a tilt of his head and I look at Yoongi beside me who looks down at his lap in some sort of shame. Yoongi doesn't say anything but nod just for Taehyung to chuckle.

"Why are we here again Taehyung?" Jimin

I look at the man across the room, that I remember very well. I remember all of them so there was no need for introductions again when I first said hello to them earlier but that's all I've said to them. Yoongi was the one that showed them around here while I stuck to the children all day like glue.

"Because y/n and Yoongi are in trouble. Someone is following y/n and the children and we need to put a stop to it." Taehyung

Someone in the room scoffed and everyone looked to the source to see the person as I remember to be Jungkook sitting on the three seater couch in between Jin and Hoseok.

"Why? Why out a stop to someone following her?" Jungkook

He spat out in question and pointed at me with disgust on his face. I bit down on my lower lip trying to keep my mouth shut at his disrespectful tone.

"Jungkook don't be rude." Jin

"I'm not being rude I'm being honest. Of all people why put a stop to someone who is following her? We have other things more important than this. If it was just Yoongi then no problem but she's nothing to me." Jungkook

That little shit!
I was boiling and balled my fists in anger just for Yoongi to take my hand. I would pull away since I'm angry for him to tell Taehyung where we are but right now my anger was directed at Jungkook and I didn't care about yoongis actions.

There was a loud thud in the room, gaining everyone's attention. It startled me at first but then I grew to more surprised to see Taehyung stewing in his own anger, glaring straight at Jungkook with a balled fist that seems like he just slammed down on the arm of the seat to get everyone's attention.

"I don't give a rats ass what you think Jungkook. You are here under my orders and my orders only. Once we do what needs to be done we will be gone for good. Now shut up about your god damn honesty talk and apologise to the lady for being disrespectful in her home." Taehyung

I only stared at the man in pure shock. Wasn't he being disrespectful to me earlier in the kitchen?
Why care of someone else spoke to me in that way?

"But hyu-" Jungkook

He stops when he sees the dark look spread across Taehyung face, looking back at him.

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