Chapter thirty-one

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It hard to believe that two months have smoothly passed by. Honestly I didn't think everything would be this calm.

The kids have adjusted nicely to living here in the middle of nowhere. Namjoon gives them little lessons that is great for their age since Taehyung refuses to allow any of us to take the kids to a daycare. Usually I would say screw what he says but given what happened I didn't see the point in fighting him on that case.

What's even more surprising is that Taehyung and I have been getting on very well actually. We barely bicker, sometimes we do but it's not as bad as once before.

Everyone is just fine with each other and my kids love it here so that's the main thing.

Because we don't go out Jungkook created a game for everyone to take part in. Even the children and they love it.

Jimin turned off the power in the house so no lights of any sort. It's evening so it's getting dark outside already so it was the perfect time to play hide and seek in the dark.

We had the whole house to hide in, anything goes as long as found fairly.

Taehyung was deemed the seeker and so Namjoon took Yoojin as his partner since that little lady can't bare to be apart from him lately. She's grown more attached to that man.

And I have Kwan.

The giggler.

Since everyone took off in their own directions I took Kwan so we could hide downstairs.

Taehyung was still counting loudly from his bedroom, hands over his eyes per Yoojins instructions, which was kind of cute to see a big tough guy like him take instructions from a little girl like Yoojin, but she's bossy so I kind of don't blame him.

Holding my son in my arms I bolted towards the large drapes in the living room. Tucking our bodies behind the fabric and squatting down to put him down on his feet.

"Now Kwan be as quiet as you can. No sounds alright?"

He nodded eagerly, but held his little hands across his mouth that now covered his large grin.

"10!! READY OR NOT HERE I COME!!" Taehyung

Kwan squealed showing his excitement but I was quick to hold my finger to his lips, shushing him instantly.

Taehyung's loud steps through out the house was heard above us, a clear tell that he's checking out the first floor before going anywhere else.

The only people that followed Kwan and myself downstairs was Jungkook and Jin. Everyone else I don't have a clue. But I think I know where Namjoon and Yoojin are. The attic most likely.

Suddenly loud stomps started to descend down the stairs which made me grab Kwan and pull him to sit on my bent leg but hold my hand over his mouth to keep him quiet from laughing. It only made him laugh more.

"Come out, come out where ever you are." Taehyung

Listening to his steps he entered the living room where Kwan and I were. The boy tried to peak his head around the corner from the drapes we're using to shield ourselves from him but I was quick to grab him but moved too quick that we almost stumbled back.

"Someone's in here huh? Hmm, let's check." Taehyung

In my mind I cursed, holding my breath so he couldn't hear us he approached the drapes.

I looked at my son and he was staring up at the top of the drapes, probably ready for Taehyung to pull them back but instead that never comes. His steps stop right in front of us and says nothing. It was odd but yet I couldn't help the thumping in my chest. It's just the thrill of getting caught and we were so close but Taehyung didn't bother to check.

The room was silent. Nothing but the sound of Kwan and I's breathing. It was too quiet and if I had heard Taehyung's steps walk away I would of tried to find another place to hide but right now I heard no steps so I could only assume he was still right there.

Removing my hand from Kwan's mouth I carefully scanned the drapes, and the temptation to check around the drapes was getting to me. Taking a light hold of the fabric in my hands did I try to move it carefully but instead the drapes were ripped from my hands as they were pulled to the side aggressively.

Kwan squealed with delight as Taehyung now stood in front of us, hands on his hips with a wide boxy smile of his own.

"There you both are." Taehyung

I laughed and stood up taking Kwan's hand and together we took off running passed Taehyung as he bellowed out a loud laugh of his own that echoed around the room.

"You can't get away that easy!" Taehyung

As quick as he spoke a pair of arms wrapped around my waist and I was pulled back, my hand slipping from Kwan's which made him gasp and look back at me.


Kwan giggled and took off on his own little legs towards the dining room as Taehyung dragged me back by the waist.

Jungkook suddenly dropped down from the ceiling in the dining room out of no where which surprised myself but also Kwan when he stopped for a gasp. Jungkook took Kwan's hand quickly then laughed to see Taehyung preventing me from going anywhere.

"Come on little dude, let's go before he catches us too." Jungkook

The two disappeared around the corner and I just tried to push Taehyungs hands away all the while laughing.

As quick as I was caught he twirled me around to let me go and yet pin my against the nearest wall. His whole body shielding me from any space to get free and run to hide somewhere else. Instead he leaned in close, our faces almost touching and yet instead of that playful grin on his face was a mischievous smirk upon his lips.

"I was hoping to find you first." Taehyung

"Is that so?"

I tilt my head to the side but yet I found myself surprised that I'm not finding the urge to push him away.

"Yes that is so. I wanted to talk to you about something." Taehyung

Peaking my interest I found myself gazing into his dark eyes that bore into my very soul.

"About what?"

Taehyung glanced down between the small space between us, softening his eyes and yet licking his lips as he shifted on his two feet to then lean against the wall by placing his one arm above my head to support himself.

"It's a long shot but I was wondering if you'd like to spend at least one on one time with me?" Taehyung

"Like a date?"

He nods shyly still not able to look at me right now but still to the floor.

"Yeah but you don't have to. I just thought I'd take a chance and ask." Taehyung


Immediately his head sprung up to meet my gaze again, this time his eyes resembling more of a puppy.

"Really? Just like that?" Taehyung

I shrugged at him.

"I don't see why not. Now excuse me."

In a flash I was quick to push him back and bend under his arm and take off running towards the stairs. His laughter was not far behind me but that didn't stop me from running but upon reaching the landing I just saw Hoseok running across the hall from one room to another.

"COME BACK HERE Y/N!!" Taehyung


I shouted back to him through laughter. I'm sure everyone in the house can hear our loud steps as he chased me through out the house.

I have to admit it this game was really fun even with him chasing me like that.

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