Chapter thirty-two

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Standing by the door of my children's bedroom I gazed back at them over my shoulder. Admiring their soft features now that they're passed out for the night. They've had a busy day playing hide and seek through out the house with everyone and after dinner they had their baths and story. Now they're fast asleep peacefully in their shared bed cuddling one another.

With a smile to my face I closed their door and wondered across the hall towards my room ready to go to sleep myself. It's been a long day.

Upon walking into my room I let out a sharp gasp from my shock to find another person already in my room sitting on my bed as if waiting for me.

"God Yoongi you scared me."

Hand to my chest I shook my head towards him and closed the door behind me.

"Sorry. I just had to speak to you about something." Yoongi

His voice was low and rough. It caused me to frown and turn from the door to face Yoongi and even take a few steps towards him.

"What is it?"

Yoongi sighed heavily, lifting his shoulders to them drop them as he rubs his hands together between his spread out legs.

"Taehyung said something interesting downstairs." Yoongi

My eyes widen but yet I wasn't surprised that this was mentioned. I remember full well about Taehyung asking me out for a date but I fully intended on telling Yoongi myself.

"What did he say?"

"That he asked you out." Yoongi

He spoke almost in whisper and I gulped when I could already see the judgement on his face but even so much so when his eyes met mine.

"And you said yes." Yoongi

I can't lie to Yoongi to save my life and I didn't plan to but I didn't expect to have this conversation tonight.

So I nodded and crossed my arms over the front of my body in a protective manner.

"I did. He asked while we were playing hide and seek this afternoon."

"Yeah I got that but do you really want to spend alone time with him or was it just a spur of the moment agreement Y/n?" Yoongi

His brow raised towards me and even clenched his jaw as he stared up at me.

I know what I'm doing. I actually want to go out with Taehyung. I've found over the last months there're more to him than I knew before and I'm certain their is a side to Taehyung that he doesn't go showing everyone. I want to get to know that Taehyung and I believe I have seen that Taehyung a few times since coming to this house.

"Yes I actually want to spend quality time with him Yoongi."

Yoongi just nods biting on his lower lip and suddenly jumps up to this feet.

"Fine. If that is what you want then okay." Yoongi

We just stared at each other and one thing I can tell is when it's not keen on something and this judging by his darkened eyes and hardened expression he is not actually okay with the thought of Taehyung and I being alone.

"It bothers you doesn't it?"

Yoongi doesn't even blink but puts his hands to his hips.

"Yes." Yoongi

Somehow it doesn't even shock me that he doesn't deny it.


I shot back, hands to my hips to copy his body language.

"Because." Yoongi

I just blink back at him because of his short answer but his lips were twitching and that told me he had a lot more to say.

"Because what? You're not jealous are you?"

Yoongi just scoffed, shaking his head and now looking at me as if I just said something completely ridiculous.

"Pft no." Yoongi

"Then what's the problem?"

"I didn't say I had one." Yoongi

"Then why are you in my room asking me about this?"

"Why didn't you tell me about this first? You should of told me not Taehyung." Yoongi

"I planned to tell you in the morning. Yoongi why are you getting so worked up about this?"

Tensions and emotions were building up in the room but it was obvious Yoongi was getting more frustrated by the second which is not usual for him. Usually he's laid back and collected but not like this.


I flinched back by his sudden explosion as he angrily waved his hands up in the air. Stepping back I just looked at him in shock.

Yoongi himself even seemed surprised as he stared back at me and sighed, shaking his head and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Sorry, sorry. I'm just.....worried about you." Yoongi

"But Yoongi I'm fine. The twins are good too."

He nods and drops both hands to his sides to look around the room.

"Yeah for now. There's not only threat out there for the three of you but also inside this house Y/n." Yoongi

"I don't understand where this is going Yoongi."

I frowned at him confused as hell to why he's bringing this up. If he was that concerned about Taehyung being a danger to the kids and I then why did he bring him to us?

Yoongi groaned and started to pace back and forth across the room. From my dresser table to the bathroom door and back again over and over again.

"Taehyung is a good man yes but like you've already experienced before he can be really messed up and I worry the past will repeat itself. I brought him here yes, but I felt desperate and knew he would be better at keeping you safe than I would alone." Yoongi

Blinking at him I just stood there in silence listening to him ramble as he continues to pace back and forth and every now and then move his hands up in the air.

"Since he's come back I feel like I'm being replaced and I thought I could handle that but honestly it's starting to feel like a punch to the gut. Those kids are Taehyung's by blood I get that but I also feel like they are mine. I love them like they are mine Y/n and I couldn't bare it if I lost them....." Yoongi

He stops pacing as he pauses and stands in the middle of the room to stare back at me with tears threatening to fall. I softened seeing him in such a distressed state. I had no idea he felt like way about Taehyung being around.

"And I'm scared to loose you too." Yoongi

As if I couldn't melt any more than I could I did. I found myself moving on my feet towards him and brought him into my arms to hug him tight. Yoongi just welcomed my embrace by hugging me back and tucking the top of my head under his chin.

"You wont loose us whatever happens Yoongi. I wouldnt want to loose you either and the kids love you."

His hold around my shoulders tightened ever so slightly before he let me go to cup my cheeks and places his lips to mine.

I froze.

Feeling his lips to mine stunned me to the point my whole mind went blank in knowing Yoongi's lips were on mine.

But then he pulled back and stared into my eyes as if he too was shocked and then made a quick exit towards the door and left within seconds.

Confused and almost just frozen in the moment I just blinked myself back to reality and decided I needed a cold shower after what just happened.

Yoongi just kissed me.

How the fuck did that happen?

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