Chapter twenty two

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(Flash back. Six months after y/ns arrival.)

Dragging Y/n along by her arm, her feet were sliding across the wooden tiled floor by her so called master, Kim Taehyung. Taehyung was dragging her because he was too angry to what just happened.

Y/n accidentally knocked over a stone craved statue of his fathers head that was his fathers most prized possession. But now it's broken in pieces and now when his father comes home it's going to all go down hill.

Not only is Taehyung angry but he panicked and instead of taking her to the basement, somewhere his father can easily find her he took her to his bedroom. More like dragged her so she couldn't stand a chance to walk herself.

Coming to his bedroom he kicked the door open and threw her inside to land on the floor taking a moment to stare at her crying in fear to what will happen to her. He doesn't want to hurt her, but he had to hit her downstairs since Jae, his dads right hand man was there watching the scene and knew he would report every bit of the situation to his father.

He felt bad seeing a bruise already start to form on her left cheek below her eye. All from just a simple slap and admittedly he hit her a lot harder than he intended to.


His fathers voice echoed through out the Mansion. Taehyung heart dropped to see her cry harder and crawl away in fear to get away but could only go far and only stopped when her back met the end of his bed.

Sighing to himself, he brushed back some of his hair, glancing down the corridor and then back to meet y/n's feared eyes.

"Stay here and don't go anywhere." Taehyung

She could only nod, yet curl up in a ball after given instructions by the angered male. Taehyung huffed once more, slamming the door shut and locking it this time so no one can enter. At least she would be safe in his room from the evil out looking for her.

Taehyung dragged his own feet towards the sound of his father yelling and throwing things in anger down in the living room.

He could only prepare himself for what's to come.

"Father I-"

Taehyung didn't get any choice of words cut in when he was suddenly back handed across the face and kicked to the floor with a foot to the stomach.

He grunted to the pain yet use to this kind of treatment.

"I told you to keep her in line! Now she broke my statue and someone has to pay for what she has done! Where the fuck is she Taehyung?! Tell me now!" Mr Kim

The elder could only point his grubby finger in his sons face while his men watched on to the scene they've seen many times before. It's not unknown to know that the father and son duo hate each other but put up with one another due to their shared blood.

"No." Taehyung

He mumbled loud enough for everyone to hear, laying on the floor after spitting some blood out his mouth.

"Excuse you? No? Did you really just say no to your father?" Mr Kim

Taehyung smirked and yet nodded, pushing himself up to sit up and look his father in the eyes.

"That's right. I said no." Taehyung

Mr Kim began to laugh, not in a good way but a signal that this man was loosing any chance of sanity he had.

"Really? Okay then." Mr Kim

He could only nod to himself, turning to glance at his right hand man Jae showing off his 'watch this' expression on his face. Then quickly catching Taehyung off guard with a boot to the face of his son, forcing him back down on the ground. But he didn't stop there, he continued to use his metal toed boot to kick Taehyung as hard as he could even when Taehyung started to crawl along the marble floor to get away from his father but he kept going and going, releasing his anger on his son since in his mind, he was too stupid to reveal where y/n was.

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