Chapter twenty four

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"Mommy could I have some apple juice please?" Kwan

"Me too please?!" Yoojin

"Actually could you make that three Y/n? I'm pretty thirsty." Yoongi

I snorted and slapped Yoongi across the arm, standing up from the table to walk over to the refrigerator ignoring Yoongi's laugh. Opening up the refrigerator, I grabbed the carton of apple juice but then paused when I thought maybe I should ask everyone else at the table since we're all eating.

"Erm would anyone else want a drink?"

My eyes wondered around the table, the men just glancing around to each other. Each shaking their heads apart from Namjoon who just stood up and walked over to the coffee machine.

"Namjoon I could do that. It's no problem."

"No it's okay. I'll manage." Namjoon

I nodded, and closed the refrigerator door with my foot and wondered over to the table, standing behind Kwan first as he sat in his chair, boosted up in a little booster seat to see over the table a little more. But what was sort of adorable was that both Yoojin and Kwan insisted they sit next to Taehyung who now takes up the position at the top of the table. Both children to sit across from one another and I sit next to Yoojin and Yoongi sat next to Kwan on his other side.

"Thank you mama!" Kwan

I smiled to his politeness and wondered around the table, ignoring Yoongi's protest because he too asked for some juice.

"Hey! I could of had some, Im right here you know?!" Yoongi

"Too late Im over here now and besides Yoojin asked first."

I stuck out my tongue, pouring my daughter a drink in her small pink plastic cup. I heard Taehyung's chuckle as he continued to eat in silence as he always does but then I heard Namjoon hiss loudly and drop something.

"What did you do now?!" Jin

Namjoons back was towards everyone and I saw him sucking on his thumb, face scrunched up in pain as he turned around to face everyone.

"I burned my finger on the steam" Namjoon

"I should of known. Well if you die then I'm not dealing with your large ass to bury you." Jin



Taehyung dropped his cutlery and glared towards Jin across the table from him and clenching his jaw. Yoojin was already on the verge of tears and Kwan just didn't have a clue what was going on. Even Jungkook wasn't helping the situation when he began to laugh.

I quickly sat down next to Yoojin, silent tears streaming down her face, quivering lip. Pulling her onto my lap which she welcomes straight away, burying her face into my shoulder to quietly sob.

"Did you really have to go saying things like that around the children Jin?" Taehyung

He deepened his voice, glaring at Jin who refused to look at him but to look down to his lap guilty for what he has said around the children.

"I'm sorry." Jin

"Namjoonie really going to die? I don't want him to die. I like him." Yoojin

I could only smile and rub my daughters back at the situation. She's somehow developed this little child crush on Namjoon for the last few days now, following him around and just wanted to spend time with him constantly. It's so cute to watch and Namjoon never seems to mind.

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