Chapter sixteen

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Guilt and regret filled my body as I pulled up my trousers and buckled up my belt. I'm disgusted with myself that I even allowed myself to violate her like this, all because of my fathers stupid taunting. I let him get to me, telling me how he thinks I'm not man enough to take on the family business. I don't want it anyway but still, he knows how to get in my head and the second he told me he would make y/n his, that was it and I allowed myself to become him.

I stepped back from y/n laying naked from the waist down. She was blank staring up at the ceiling, not moving, not even blinking. It hurt to see the after effect of my actions to see her so numb. Even the tear stains on her cheeks were still visible. I didn't know what to do.

"Why can't I end it all?" Y/n

Did I hear her right?


That came out a little harsher than I intended but I watched her slightly take a deep breath before she spoke again.

"I said I want to end it all." Y/n

What was she talking about?

She then turned her head my way but to stare only at my shoes, the emptiness in her eyes was breaking me in two.

"End what?"

I cursed myself again for talking such a way to her. What the fuck is wrong with me?

"My life." Y/n

I gasped sharply to hear what she just told me but quickly replaced it with a cough, trying to pretend that I didn't just do that. Did I seriously just make her feel that way?

I don't want her dead, as non believable as it sounds right now but I love her. I've loved her since the day I laid eyes on her when she first came here. I had to make a deal with my father to keep her alive, meaning I had to become mean and abuse her whenever he was around so he wouldn't kill her but now she wishes she was dead. I just can't believe I made her feel this way.

I have to do something.

I have to put an end to all this.

I have to get her out of this and rid of myself and father to keep her safe. She deserves a life, a better life than this and I know exactly who to ask for this favour.

I scoffed to myself and stomped up the stairs of the basement and out the door to slam it shut. My father was in a meeting right now on the other side of this large house so I know if I go into his office, gather everything I can to prove every single crime he did over the years even if it includes myself then so be it.

I ransacked his office, pulling out everything, every file and any USB sticks that he has for future plans and evidence of profits he's made through drug dealings and weapons sales. Then I cracked open his safe, taking out what money I could get my hands on, thankfully there was an empty suitcase in the corner of my dads office. The same suitcase he uses when he's travelling and takes a loud of money with him so this is perfect.

Stuffing as much money as I could in it. I then ran out the office and to my bedroom to grab a blanket from my bed. With suitcase and blanket in hand I ran to the games room where I know the guys would be. I was in there earlier with them until my father wanted to speak to me so I know the would still be in there.

I only needed one of them in particular and running into the room in a matter of urgency I spotted him laying on the couch sprawled out comfortably watching Jungkook and Jin play a game on the big screen. Mario kart by the looks of things.

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