Chapter six

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I jolt awake with a gasp of breath.

I check myself by patting myself down and looking around the room to see I'm in my bed but I was still wearing the same clothes I wore last night. I sighed in relief I was still okay, it must of been a dream seeing Taehyung last night, that would just be a nightmare come true.

Looking at the bedroom window did I notice that it was light outside, so it must be morning already, then looking at the clock beside the bed on the side table did I see the time. Yep it's morning. I better get up to make the kids breakfast.

I stand up from the bed and taking some clothes from the wardrobe to change into and then head into my bathroom to get dressed into fresh clothes, then throwing away my over night clothes that I slept in and put them in the laundry basket for washing.

Since Yoongi is not in bed I assume he is with the children since they're very quiet. I wonder why he didn't wake me up?

I didn't take a shower but I promised myself I will take one later on today after I've sorted out the kids and given them a bath first after they had been swimming yesterday and went straight to bed when we got in.

After changing I walked out the bathroom to find Yoongi sitting on the unmade bed that I haven't made up just yet. He looks up at me and stands up to come give me a hug which confuses me but I hug him back.

"Thank god you're okay. I mean I knew you would be but when I found you passes out upstairs I panicked." Yoongi


I was only confused for just a moment until what happened last time came flooding back with memory.

"What? So last night wasn't just a dream? It was real? Kim Taehyung was in my house??"

I asked him all these questions after stepping back from him, all colour I'm sure draining from my face in fear but seeing Yoongi lower his gaze to the floor made me scared.

"Yes I'm afraid so and he still is. He's downstairs right now." Yoongi

I froze in fear. The beast is inside my house!!

Wait a minute. The children!!!

"You left the twins with Taehyung?!"

I felt like punching him but instead I pushed him aside and ran down the stairs ignoring Yoongis calls as he ran after me but I was too quick. I needed to get to my children, they're not safe with him and he can't spent time with them. He can't find out that they're his kids, he just can't.

I never ran so fast in my life but down the corridor and down the stairs and straight to the kitchen did I find my two children sitting at the table with the devil himself. Kwan sitting on a chair to his one side and Yoojin on his other holding her favourite rainbow coloured teddy bear in her little hands showing Taehyung the toy by almost waving it in his face. However he doesn't seem to mind but instead look at the teddy with a smile on his face humouring the little girl as she talks about the teddy with pride.

"That why love him!! He give me nice dreams!!" Yoonjin

"Y/n listen to me please." Yoongi

I heard him whisper in my ear, grabbing my shoulder but I shrug him off and step further into the room to make my presence known and glare at Taehyung when he looks up at me still smiling but drops it when he sees my expression on my face.

"Mommy!! Yoojin show tata, teddy!!" Kwan

He squeals standing on the chair with his hands pushing off the table. Yoojin giggles and shakes her teddy in the air earning a chuckle from taehyung as he watches her. I just hope he hasn't caught on to anything.

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