chapter 42

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a few days later

it's about 2 in the afternoon

jade was gonna be in bryces youtube video and they were going to do a lie detector test with her and jaden

jade got dressed

she just put highlighter and mascara on and left her hair down

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she just put highlighter and mascara on and left her hair down

her and jaden sat down and bryce did his intro

bryce:okay so let's start each of them are going to answer 10 questions,jaden is going first
and these are all questions that you guys asked on twitter

( the lie detector guy is john he's been in a lot of youtube videos with lie detector tests)

( the lie detector guy is john he's been in a lot of youtube videos with lie detector tests)

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bryce:okay let's start

they hooked jaden up to the test

bryce-first question,when you and jade were broken up for like a week did you ever go back and get with mads?


john(lie detector guy)-true

bryce-okay a loyal man. next question,did you ever cheat on jade



jaden-i'd never cheat on my baby

jade smiled at him

bryce-next question,was comatose about mads

(comatose is one of jadens songs btw)



bryce-in your song "tonight" was the ex who was talking on the phone supposed to be jade?

(listen to jadens song tonight if you don't know what the ex on the phone means)

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