chapter 58

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a few weeks later...

jade was in the living room

bryce and josh were filming a bit for their video

griffin was sleeping on the couch next to jade

and everyone else wasn't home

she got a phone call and it was from her manager

lauren-hey pretty,how's your day
jade-my day is great how's yours
lauren-good good
jade-that's great
lauren-yeah,so you've been offered to join the "not a content house" the one with madi monroe,cynthia parker,etc.
jade-wait what
lauren-it's totally up to you,but it'll be good for your career jade. just promise me you'll think about it
jade-yeah totally
lauren-okay bye honey

they hung up

jade didn't want to go to "not a content house" sway is what built her. it's where jaden is. it's where griff is. it's where josh and bryce are. it's where kio,anthony,quinton,blake,and noah are. but her manager made it very clear that she thinks moving to "not a content house" would be beneficial.

jade didn't tell anyone
she didn't want to scare anyone
or make anyone upset or try to help her pick her decision. she wanted to do it on her own

but she was uneasy the whole day
and most of the boys picked up on it

josh-bud are you good
jade-what? oh. yeah i'm fine
griffin-why are you acting weird
jade-what? i'm-im not

when jaden got home she ran up to see him

jade-i'm so happy you're home. i needed a hug from my boyfriend
jaden hugged her and kissed her head
"is everything okay"
"yeah-no,can we talk upstairs"
"yeah cmon"

they went upstairs
he sat on the side of her bed and she stood in front of him
she was playing with her fingers
jaden put her hands down
"what is wrong jade"
"i-i- i got offered to join "not a content house" with madi and cynthia and all of them. and my manager made it very clear that this would be good for my career. but i don't want to go."
jaden got a little sad about the idea that she could be leaving
he held her hands in his
"you need to do what's best for you. think about yourself for once. okay?"

she sat on his lap and hugged him

then her phone started going off
she picked it up and tiktokroom had posted the fact that the "not a content house" started following jade on instagram and now everyone is suspecting she's a new member

she started crying
"i don't even want to cry right now but this has been stressing me out all fucking day"
"jade,you can't let this upset you. if you want to stay here,then do it,if you wanna go there,then do it. we might still not be living together but we will still see eachother all the time"

she looked at him and kissed his cheek
"i'm gonna go change,can we go for a drive so i can figure this out"
"you got it"

she changed into

she changed into

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they left and got in his car

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they left and got in his car

they were driving for a little bit and then jade looked at him

"you know,i don't think it's right. it might be good for my career. but the girls in that house have complained about terrible management. and i'd rather be happy with you and the rest of the boys then be in that house just cause it's gonna be "beneficial" to my career."

jaden smiled
"if this is what you want then do it jade"

she smiled and called her manager
"hey lauren,so i've been thinking and i just think that i'd be happier if i stayed at sway. i know moving would be better for my career but i just don't want to leave the boys"
"honey i'm glad to hear it. i pushed it on you because it would be good for your career. but if you moved there i wouldn't even be able to be your manager anymore."
"okay,so you can still be my manager now that i'm staying with sway"
"yes ma'am"
"okay bye honey"
"bye lauren"

she hung up and she tweeted

she hung up and she tweeted

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when they got home-

she opened the door
griffin-well now that i know why you were upset all day,i'm glad you made the choice to stay

she smiled and hugged him
"i'm not ready to leave you guys yet"

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