chapter 28

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jade:i'm on my way doctor

jaden and josh immediately got into one of their teslas.

josh was driving
jaden was in the passengers side and jade was on his lap

they got to the hospital and got to griffins room after waiting in the waiting room for the lady at the desk to let them go see him

they immediately got into his room

jade ran up to griffin
he was on the hospital bed laying there in a lot of pain

the doctor walked in
jade:yeah that's me and this is josh and this is jaden

doctor:okay and is griffin your boyfriend? he's been asking for you
jade:no,jaden is but i'm griffs emergency he gonna be okay?
doctor:he's gonna be fine and his car doesn't have bad damage either. itll actually be a cheap fix. but griffin will he okay in a couple days jade:that's great news. but what happened

doctor: a different driver drove into griffin and his car but ended up driving into a guardrail but did dent the front side of griffins car which made his airbag go off which injured griffin a bit he also has a concussion but we don't know what from . the other driver is seriously injured but that has nothing to do with griffin. but i'll leave you guys to talk with griffin

jade:okay thanks doctor

the doctor nodded and smiled.

jade went up to griffin

jade:griff,it's jade
he reached out for her hand

she gave him her hand and he squeezed it

griffin:hey bud
jade:you feeling okay
griffin:yeah my head hurts a bit but i'm fine. can i go home today?
jade:yes griffey

he smiled and she giggled at him

jaden:hey griff
josh:hi big man
he smiled at them

they all brought him home that night

and griffin was recovering

but that whole time jaden couldn't help but wonder if there was something going on between jade and griffin

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