chapter 11

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*skip to after quarantine was over*
(authors note:i hope you're all happy,safe,and healthy during this horrible time. stay home and be safe.)

they've been out of quarantine for only 2 days now.
jade was going through her business emails with jaden. jaden was kinda her not manager but he helped her sort out business things and helped her go through her emails.

they came across one of the worst emails a social media influencer could ever read.

the email:

"jade,my daughter madison killed herself last night. she's been bullied for years. as you know. we went through her texts on her phone, we read the things you said to her. you told her how she's worth it and you tried for months to help her. you helped her a lot and we appreciate you so much. we found her body and her suicide note. you were in it,it said "please tell jade winter that i love her thankyou for everything, my biggest supporter, i love you jade,thankyou for everything." her funeral is next week. please come, we live in san diego california. please come. she loved you so much. thankyou for helping her. we all love you."

jade broke down. she knew madison. she's been talking to her for months. trying to help.

jade:oh my god. it's my fault
jaden:that's not your fault jade. you tried,
jade:no i coulda saved her she was such a precious soul.
jaden:i'll go to the funeral with you.
jade:i don't even know what to do

after jade and jaden bought the plain tickets jade posted on instagram
(jade is the one with that hat)

after jade and jaden bought the plain tickets jade posted on instagram (jade is the one with that hat)

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❤️-19.78 million. 💬-298k

jadewinter: madison,you sweet precious young soul. i love you. i'll never forget the times i've spent with you. i saw you at the beach,the tours you came to see me on,the time i saw you at chick-fil-a. i love you. this isn't fair.none of it was. you deserved none of it. i love you. my angel. i'm so sorry i couldn't help you even though i tried.i loved every single second i spent texting you. you were taken too soon. watch over your beautiful family for me. you gorgeous girl. i love you. i'm so sorry this happened. bullying sucks. i'm so sorry you felt that way. i'm so sorry you thought there was no way out. i'm sorry i wasn't help enough. i'm sorry you felt so stuck. you were amazing. i'll never forget you. rest easy my love. i love you forever. rest in peace. gorgeous girl taken too soon. i love you 🕊🤍


jaden and jade went to the funeral.

it was so sad.

at the end of the funeral jade and jaden pulled her parents aside.

jade:i would send madison money for her to spend it on makeup, she loved doing makeup as you know, it made me so happy watching her love it. i want to give you guys this 50,000 dollar check. spend it how ever you two want. i know it won't bring madison back, but it will bring you joy. your daughter was one of my biggest blessings. and i knew she was your biggest achievement. i'm so sorry this happened to you,

madison's mom:i can't take that, you're too sweet

jade:please take it. i want you to.

madison's dad:we just can't

jaden:please. take it.

they took it.

the next few days jade and jaden stayed in a hotel. they were in san diego so why not stay for a few days?

they were in the hotel pool. it was like 12:30 am. when jade got a text from bryce.

bryce hall 💙

i didn't want to tell you
but quinton cheated

yeah right,funny prank.
no i'm being serious


bryce sent her a video of quinton holding hands with another girl and just all over her at a party.

jade and jaden were the only ones in the pool.

jaden:what's wrong bud
jade:quinton cheated.
jade:he cheated
jaden:bud i'm so sorry
jade ran into the hotel room.

jaden chases after her

he goes in the hotel room and comforts her.

jade:how could he do this to me
jaden:let me tell you something. we both know quinton. he wouldn't do that. he's such a little innocent kid. he wouldn't, somethings going on.
jade:you're right. he's such a sweet little bean, he would never.

then she got a facetime call from griffin

jade:what griffin
griffin:with the attitude though
jade:well maybe if i wasn't cheated on
bryce:you got pranked
jade:no i didn't. it was him in a video
josh:we told him to do it so we could prank you.
quinton:sorry babe i had to
jade:yeah it's fine
bryce:you're not mad that he was still all over another girl?
jade:no. if it was a prank i can't be mad.

they all talked on facetime for a while then hung up.

jade looked at jaden.

jade:i need to tell you something
jaden:what's up
jade:normally i would be mad that they pranked me cause he still touched another girl.
jaden:so why aren't you then?
jade:because if i was mad and yelled at him then i would feel bad. but if i do this i have reason to and me and quinton will be even.
jaden:do what?

she kissed him.


he kissed back.

there was true feelings in there.

jade-i like you
jaden:i like you too

they started kissing
it was passionate.
like they truly liked each other.

jade:i don't want to be with quinton.

they fell asleep that night cuddling.

*skip to a week after they got back home*
jade:quinton we need to talk.
quinton:what's up baby
jade:i don't know how to tell you this
jade:i don't want to do this anymore
jade:excuse me
quinton: jade i really like you but as a friend and i don't want to be in this anymore.
jade:i like someone else
quinton:me too
jade:so we're good right
quinton:ofc bud
they hugged.

it felt like a weight had lifted off her shoulders. she liked quinton but she's liked jaden since she's met him.
and now she can be with jaden.

her and quinton ended in good terms. and now everyone jokes about how they dated.

*a few weeks later*
thing started to get serious between jade and jaden

jade:can we talk about something
jade:what are we
jaden:i don't know what do you want to be
jaden:anything you want
jade:i really like you
jaden:i really like you too. so will you be my girlfriend then

jade-of course
they hugged and kissed
(this was a really long chapter but i hope you liked it)

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