thank u ❤️

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100k? u guys r amazing. as dramatic as this sounds,the sway boys really helped me through such a dark time in my life.

i started writing this story in april of 2020. the whole world was shut down because of covid. mentally,i was a mess. i've had my fair share of depression through out all my years of living,but april/may of 2020 was my worst.

everytime i watched the sway boys,a smile was immediately on my face. then i started writing this story. i never thought anyone would read it. i never thought i would've wrote 60 chapters. i never thought so many people would've seen it.

i read all of ur guys' comments. and i reply to all of them besides the mean ones 😂

i love when u guys comment and say u love this story. it makes my day.

i know sway has kinda broke apart since this story was written. i know there's been a lot of drama since i finished this story. but i'll always remember sway as a whole. and how the boys have helped me through so much.

i think jaden's music specifically has helped me. but the fact that i can always count on bryce and josh to make me laugh. and quinton and griffin to make me smile.

i hope u guys know how grateful i am for all of u. i used to say this a lot while i was writing the story,but i want u guys to know that my dms r always open!!! please dm me if u need someone to talk to. i know that feeling of being all alone and having no one. it sucks.

and i don't want u guys to feel that way. so
please dm me. if u need to talk,if u just want to talk about ur day,or the sway boys,or music,or anything u want. please.

i love u all. thank u for 100k reads. thank u for all the comments u guys leave. ❤️

u matter. ur loved. ur not alone. ur beautiful.

living with the sway boys Where stories live. Discover now