chapter 56

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a few weeks later

jaden was releasing a song tonight

(so,i don't know if any of you guys remember the song gorilla by bruno mars but that's the song he's releasing. in the story it's not actually bruno mars' song. in the storyline,it's jadens original)
(but in no way am i saying that it's not bruno's song. just in the story pretend it's jadens)

if you don't know the song here it is:

jaden tweeted

then he tweeted again

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then he tweeted again

then he tweeted again

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then jade tweeted

they had a party for jadens release

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they had a party for jadens release.

jade looked at him

"can we leave for a few minutes i need to talk to you"

jaden-yeah of course baby

they walked out to the front door

jade-okay please listen to me and always remember this. i'm sorry i kept it from you for so long. i just wasn't ready to say anything okay?

jaden-of course baby,go ahead.

jade-jaden,you've always been the one. since the day i met you,i always knew you were going to have a place in my heart that was forever. although i've been living such a good life at this house with you and all my best friends,i still was battling my own issues in my head. i was so trapped in my own thoughts. i know you have felt that same way in the past. and not to be corny and over exaggerate but you literally saved me jaden. you tell me how special i am every single day. and don't get wrong,i know me and you have had our fair share of issues. but we've moved past them. and you make me so happy. and even though it's little,you telling me "you're so fucking beautiful" "your body is amazing" "you're perfect" "i love you more than anything"
makes all the difference in my life jaden. and i will always love you. so i'm gonna tell you something okay. and it's been over two months. so please don't get mad at go crazy. okay? you have to promise.

jaden-it depends what it is but i'll try

jade smiled "okay"

(in this storyline,tony lopez didn't get caught up with the 15 year olds. however i am not trying to invalidate any of the girls that were victims of him. im genuinely sorry if you guys get triggered or upset that i talk about tony lopez. i do not support him and never will or anything he just seemed like a bad enough person to fit what i wanted to put into this story)


jade-so a few months ago i was at the hype house and i was filming a bit for alex's vlog. and after we finished we were all sitting in the kitchen. tony started fighting with micheal because michael did something to make him mad. i got up and moved away because i don't like yelling. you know that jaden. so anyways i started to walk away and tony was like "where are you going little bitch" i looked at him and just said that i was leaving. and he looked at me and told me to kill myself. i didn't know if he said it out of frustration or what but it just made me feel like such a stupid little person.

jaden cut jade off

he ran into the house. tony was there cause he was at the party

jade followed him trying to make him stop screaming

"you fucking prik"

tony looked up

"you really told her to kill herself? you know that girl has struggled with depression and suicidal thoughts. who do you think you are? you do not tell anyone to take their own life. especially jade. do you hear me? if i ever find out that you just as much go near her you're gonna be fucking sorry tony."

tony looked up
"hey sorry. who knew he cared so much about some girl he treats like one of the sluts he picked up."


jaden went to throw a punch

jade got in between them

she yelled

jadens arm was up


jaden looked at her

"jaden walk away."
he put his arm down and went up the stairs

bryce made tony leave.

he made everyone else that doesn't live there leave besides nessa.


jade was upstairs with jaden talking him.

"baby.i'm okay i promise. seriously. i just felt like you should've known i don't know"

"i'm sorry i yelled at him"

"it's okay i'm just happy you're okay."

skip to the next night

jaden had a live performance in L.A. like a concert almost

on the way there jade was in the car with jaden.
he was driving she was in the passengers side and josh nessa and bryce were in the back

they were listening to gorilla by jaden

jade-never did i ever think i'd have a boyfriend that made a  song about the sex we have

everyone laughed

josh-i was shocked when jaden played it for me the first time

*skip the the end of the concert*
*skip to when jaden was in the shower that night and jade was already in bed*

she tweeted

she tweeted

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