chapter 52

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a few minutes later...
they were all talking about when jade first moved in
bryce-actually i never told jade this cause i figured it would embarrass jaden but you two are dating now so i don't really care but after jade and jaden got back from san diego-

(if you don't remember,(before jade and jaden were dating)a fan of jade's passed away and jade and jaden went to her funeral in san diego where she lived. that night jade was told quinton cheated on her as a prank but she was still mad he was touching on another girl so she kissed jaden. and her and quinton broke up right away but her and jaden didn't start dating for a few weeks after they kissed)

(continued from bryce above)
bryce-jaden was being very quiet and i asked him what was wrong and looked at me in the eyes and told me he couldn't stop thinking about you
jaden flipped bryce off (jokingly)

jade-aww j

jaden-i'm not even gonna lie i always thought jade was hot. like always. and i never thought i'd have a chance with her. and now we're dating and i'm as happy as can be. i never thought i'd get her to like me.

jade-you didn't think you'd be able to get me? please. you can have any girl you want

jaden- but now i have you and that's all that matters

jade kissed him

*skip to the next day*

jade was laying down and came across a tiktok

it was of a boy making fun of a girl trying to promote body positivity. and he was calling her fat and making fun of her

jade typed something out on her insta story and posted it but she also screenshotted that and posted it on her twitter:

she said:

you are beautiful. no matter your height,weight,eye color,hair color,skin color,shoe size,pant size,leg size,arm size,thigh size,the condition of your skin,the size of your nose,the shape of your eyes,the size of your ears,the size of your waist,your style,your hair type,your religion,your culture,or any imperfections that you think you have. you are so beautiful inside and out. please do not make fun of someone for their looks. especially when they weren't doing anything bad to you or negative at all. it isn't cool at all. i've always been such an advocate for body positivity and self love because it is so important to love yourself and others. everyone deserves to look at themselves in the mirror and absolutely love and adore what they see. you're so beautiful. big or small,tall or short,black or white,acne or no acne,brown eyes or blue eyes. it doesn't matter. EVERYONE is beautiful and i mean that. i know there are so many people struggling to love themselves. but i want you to try to learn to love yourself. you deserve it. please do not bring down other people because you don't think their body is ideal. it is so wrong. i personally struggled with eating disorders and body image for most of my life. and i'm still trying to love myself. you are not struggling alone. you are loved. you're here for a reason. but do not bring other people down because of their looks. do not be the reason for someone's eating disorder,body image issues,or affecting them so badly where they don't love themselves. everyone is beautiful. remember that. you're a queen. and i love u.

(authors note: hii! those words that i wrote above truly come from my heart. you're beautiful. no matter the numbers on the scale. numbers do NOT define your beauty. you're a queen don't forget that. my dms are always open ❤️)

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nessa barrett retweeted it
jaden hossler retweeted it
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then jaden tweeted

jadenhossler-if any of you haven't read what jade tweeted please do. you're beautiful. you're loved. you're needed. i do not care what the numbers on that scale say. you are perfect. i love u.

nessa tweeted

nessabarrett-in jade's last tweet she spoke facts. do not forget that you are a fucking beautiful ass bitch.

jade then posted on twitter and her insta story again

she said

if you are struggling with mental illness, i want you to know that you are more than the depression,anxiety,bi polar disorder, schizophrenia,bpd,etc. they do not take away from you as a person. you are beautiful inside and out. more than you realize. you're gonna get through this. my dms have always been open and always will be. i'm here you each and every single one of you guys. you guys are not my "fans" or "fandom" you guys are my family and friends. i love you guys.

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nessa barrett retweeted it

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