chapter 1

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my name is jade. i'm 15. I live in Arizona. i have about 560k on tiktok. not famous or anything. but recently i got a dm from bryce hall. offering me to come live in the sway house. that's a house for boys but i guess they want me to live there too. i said yes. my mom doesn't really care what i do. she doesn't really like me i've raised myself all my life. bryce told me he already bought the plane ticket and i need to get on the plane by Tuesday. it's saturday, i only have a few days.

i told my mom i'm moving out she said that she'll bring me to the airport which was nice normally she doesn't care,

Tuesday came around very quick.

*skip to when she got to the sway house *

she walked to the front door and knocked on it

josh and nessa answered.
nessa:hey girl
jade: hey
bryce:oh there she is
josh:everyone this is jade she's moving in
jade:hi everyone
jade was very nervous.
for one reason and one reason only,
they've flirted on tiktok before.
well kinda.
he commented heart eyes on her tiktoks and instagram posts.
she's replied with winky faces
and that fans go crazy over it.
bryce:quinton show her to her room?
quinton:glad to
they walked upstairs

bryce:quinton show her to her room? quinton:glad to they walked upstairs

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that was her room
it had a little door that went to this room

that was her room it had a little door that went to this room

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jade did makeup

jade:wow this is amazing
quinton:you're amazing
jade winked at him
she walked downstairs
josh:like your room?
jade:like it? i love it
nessa:i did it for you girl
jade:thankyou nessa i love it

jade and nessa went off and hung out in jades room.

nessa:soooo you and quinton huh
jade:he's cute
nessa:he always talks to me about you
jade:wait really
nessa:oh my gosh yes. he goes on and on about how cute you are and how nice you are. he likes you girl
jade:i don't know if i like him but he's cute
nessa:things take time just get to know him
jade:yeah i mean maybe i'll like him but i just wanna get settled here.

all the boys walked in the room.
jade:hey guys
they all said hey
and they made small talk
someone snap chatted jade,
snapchat from: "andrew 💙"
griffin:ohh who's andrew
he said in a girls voice
jade:my sisters ex
all the boys:ohhh
bryce:a player i see, taking your sisters man
quinton left the room very annoyed
jade:no not like that
quinton walked back in
jade:when he was with my sister me and him got close. they broke up and i had no one to go to. he got me through a lot of bullshit, so we just keep a streak and he makes sure i'm okay. i told him how i'm moving here and he's sad. but he will be fine. but he's 19 anyways. i would never get with him,
quinton was relieved.
he wanted to be with jade.
and only jade.

living with the sway boys Where stories live. Discover now