chapter 20

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jade spent the next month with lexi. they got very close and lexi had a great time with all the boys.

but it was time for her to leave

*skip to after lexi was back home and jade was in cali with the boys*

jade was sitting on the couch with noah
(btw i'm not gonna make a chapter about her meeting blake and noah so just pretend she did)

her and noah were trying to find a sound to make a tiktok to with eachother then quinton walked in

quinton:can i talk to you jade
jade:yeah of course what's up
noah went to leave to give them privacy
quinton:noah you can stay it'll be quick
noah:alright thanks dude
they did their dude handshake and then sat down

quinton:i just wanted to tell you that me and cnythina are taking and she's gonna be here in a few hours and she's staying for a while but i just wanted to make sure you're okay with that. i know you're with jaden and it wouldn't make you jealous but i don't want it to upset you

jade:awww quinton that's so sweet of you to make sure i'm okay

she hugged him

jade:but yes that's totally fine!! i love cynthia she's a sweetheart.

quinton:alright cool!! thanks kid

jade:ofc q!

they high fived and quinton left.

noah: jade how are you and nessa doing after her and joshs breakup and the recent drama between her and chase and charli

jade:honestly when her and josh broke up i was still friends with her but charli is the sweetest thing and what nessa did to her was wrong. i've been just keeping distance from nessa i guess i don't know. i mean i love her and she was my best friend for a really long time but i love josh so much and she hurt him. josh is my day 1 forever

(btw in my story josh and jaden NEVER left sway like they did in real life. so as of now josh and jaden are still in sway)

noah:you're right 100%

jade:josh doesn't like to show emotion but i know he was hurt.

noah:yeah and i mean josh is my bud and i don't want him to be hurt

jade:yeah this whole situation sucks. but me staying out of it is a good thing.

noah:hurdddddddd you kiddo

they high fived and made a few tiktoks

*later that day*

bryce: jadeeeeeeee
jade ran into bryces room
jade:what do you need

griffin and bryce were in there

griffin:hey can you check on kio. he hasn't left his bed in days cause of the break up. and he won't listen to us. please talk to him. you have a way of being gentle and he'll listen to you.

jade:ofc i will. olivia really broke his heart and it's so sad.

griffin:oh i know and it's horrible.

jade sighed at them sadly

she went into kio's room and sat next to him

jade:kio bud i'm here to talk. how are you feeling

kio:i'm so broken. i liked her a lot, and she's not even phased by the breakup. she never cared. she used me.

jade:i know kio i'm sorry. you deserved better

he broke down crying in her arms

jade:i'm so sorry.
they sat there while he cried

jade:you'll find a girl who deserves you one day. you are worth more then you'll ever know.

they sat and cried together for a while.

jade:why don't you take a shower and get dressed and eat something. you'll feel so much better.

he did what she said.

*skip to later*
jaden got home after being in the studio all day

jade:hiii baby i missed you

jaden:i missed you babe

they kissed

blake:get a room

jade stuck the middle finger up

they all hung around that night trying to cheer up kio.

then cynthia showed up

her and jade got along right away.

cynthia and jade went upstairs in jades room to hang out

they were making tiktoks

and there were a lot of comments saying
"jade and nessa who"
"nessa has been replaced"
"the duo we never knew we needed"

cynthia:honestly i thought we weren't gonna get along i thought you'd hate me

jade:oh my gosh why

cynthia:i know you were with quinton and i didn't want there to be any jealousy cause me and him are talking

jade:aww he talked to me earlier and made sure i'm okay with you two. honestly me and him were just a fling. we weren't even that serious. me and him belong as friends. i'm so happy with jaden honestly. and you're the sweetest thing ever

cynthia: omg that makes me so happy!!

they hung out with the boys for the rest of the night

(hi guys sorry it took me a MONTH to upload a new chapter. i don't really know why i took so long! but i'm back!)

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