chapter 4

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jaden walked in jades room.

jaden:hey bud
jade:hey was sup
jaden:i have someone on the phone with me i'm going to give you my phone and leave the room. please talk to her
jade:if it's mads i don't wanna.
jaden-trust me bud
he gave jade the phone


m:look,i'm sorry that you don't like me but i didn't do anything to you and i know you think i broke jadens heart and i prolly did but it was mutual and there's no need to hate me
j:i was thinking about it earlier, but you're right. there isn't a reason to hate you at all i'm very over protective over my friends and i love jaden and i don't want him to be hurt. but he told me you guys are still very close friends  and i get it. i'm sorry we got off on the wrong foot, but hey you and nessa are pretty close and me and her are too. let's be friends. so we can all be close. once this quarantine is over and you two are here we can all hang out . friends?

m:honestly i didn't expect that from you. but yes friends.

jade smiled and then all the boys came in the room shouting "yeah they're friends"
they were listening the whole time.

bryce:you know jade you were very mature and admitted you were in the wrong. didn't expect that from your rude head ass

jade:fuck you

she went to hit him but he picked her up and tossed him over her shoulder

bryce:you try to fight me but you're literally like half of my weight i can easily just pick you up

jade:i hate you sometimes

bryce:you love me

jade:you should let me down


jade bit his leg

bryce: ow she bit me

jade:and i'll do it again

bryce:put her down

jade:yOu KnOw yOu loVe mE
she mocked him
bryce:you know for a 100 pound 4'11 girl you have a lot of attitude

his arms were around her and his chin was on her head

quinton got kinda mad like jealous

jaden hung up the phone with mads and they all stayed in jades room and hung out, but quinton sat there with an attitude

Griffin:Jade what's this

he picked up her tampon box
(to make fun of her)
jade:fuck you griff
griffin:oh so quintons not getting any action  for a week that's why he's over there pissed

jade:you're mad at me baby

she sat on his lap and out her arm around him

jade:but you've been quiet
quinton:maybe cause bryce had you over his shoulder and was holding your ass
bryce:she's 15 chill out quinton i'm 20 i would never
quinton: whatever dude
bryce:quinton i'm sorry dude
jade:babeeeeeeeee don't get mad
quinton: we can't even have makeup sex either you're on your period and you just started today so i gotta wait a week
jade:no i'm on birth control so my period is only 2 days
anthony:why would you plan your sex right in front of us
josh:kinda gross
jade:really pretzel boy you wanna start talking
josh:fuck you
jade:quinton will be in like 48 hours
kio:you're nasty
jade:i try
she winked
jade:so we're good babe
quinton:yeah of course
he kissed her forehead
griffin:quinton only being fine with her cause he gets sex out of it
quinton:how's dixie
griffin:fuck you

they all laughed and hung out for the rest of the night

when jade was about to go to bed she was on instagram

madslewis started following you.

jade followed back

went to bed.

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