chapter 47

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* few days later*

jade was supposed to be on josh's podcast BFFS today

she quickly got ready

she quickly got ready

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(hair and makeup from that pic)

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(hair and makeup from that pic)

her and jaden walked outside at the same time
he was gonna go to the studio to record while she was filming the podcast

they kissed goodbye

jade got in the car with josh

josh-any certain questions that you don't want me to bring up
jade-i don't really care just please don't being up any of the noah drama

they made small talk till they got to the studio

*skip to when they started recording*

(also if you guys didn't know josh hosts the BFFS podcast with dave so he's gonna be in this too)

dave-well we have a special guest today
he pointed to jade
dave-jade winters
*skip to after they introduced her*
dave-well to start,jade you are the only sway girl. how bad is that role

jade giggled- it's not bad at all
dave-ummm i don't know about that

jade-no tbh i know the boys have like this stereotype of being douche bags but they're all really sweet. and are always very good to me.

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