chapter 2

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a few weeks have past by

jade got really close with the boys pretty fast.
but sadly nessa went back to new jersey so it's just been jade and the boys.

quinton and jade are flirting a lot.

they've been in quarantine for a week now. jade hates it cause she just got to la and now she can't go out but it's given her time to be with the boys.

that night they were all in jades  room.

talking and making tiktoks.

all the boys left the room

he stayed.

him and jade laid in her bed.

she was laying on her stomach and he was laying on his side with his hand on her butt

she got up and went to make a tiktok

jade:cmon be in this one
they made one where she threw it back on him  twice in one video,

josh saw it and showed it to all the boys and they all ran into jades room,

jade was on top of quinton and they were just teasing eachother
like jade was hitting him and calling him stupid and silly cause he was calling her pretty

bryce:oh i see you
josh:the lovers
jade got off quinton
and just kinda looked away
kio:we saw your tiktok
griffin:you threw it back on his boner real quick
quinton covered his boner with a pillow
jaden:not to mention we walked in here and you were on top of him
quinton:oh look you caught us get out now
quinton threw a pillow at anthony
they all walked out jade laid next to quinton
quinton:are gonna make this official or what
jade:i don't wanna put labels on anything
she sat on his stomach
quinton:i get it but i still like you jade. a lot. we're still together just  no labels?
jade:sounds good to me

she leaned down and kissed him while he smiled.

which turned into a make out

bryce swung the door open

quinton:fuck you
jade giggled
josh:oh she likes him
quinton:get out
bryce:whatever dude
anthony:i see your boner
quinton:fuck you get out
they all left

jade:aww you're embarrassed
jade:it's okay bub
quinton:i love when you call me that
jade:i know you do
quinton:babygirl you cutie
jade:i love when you call me that
quinton:i know you do
jade smiled and just laid on him with her hand on his  chest.

quinton:baby i have a question
quinton:are you a virgin
jade:are you
quinton:yeah. so are you ?
jade: yeah
quinton:we can loose them together
jade:sure bubby
quinton:right now
quinton:lets go to my room cause the boys can't hear us from there
they went in his room
and had sex

she fell asleep after and quinton went in her room and got some clothes for her to put on cause she was naked in his bed and he got some of her face masks for them and her favorite blanket she sleeps with every night

this blanket:

he brought them in the room set them down and went in the kitchen to film with the boy's

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he brought them in the room set them down and went in the kitchen to film with the boy's

like an hour later jade waddled down the stairs wrapped in a towel

kio:yo why she walking like that
josh:oh shit
jade stopped waking and sat down
anthony:oh shit
bryce:you two had sex and her legs hurt now huh
griffin:oh shoot
anthony:and she got no clothes on

quinton:can you guys mind your business sometimes

jade went to quinton and stood there with her hand on his chest

quinton smiled

josh:aww you guys cute

quinton:wanna go upstairs

jade:can you carry me you hurt my legs
quinton:course princess

he picked her up and took her in his room,

quinton:i brought you some clothes and your blanket you can sleep in here tonight

jade:okay! i'll change in the bathroom, and fix my hair,


(her face didn't look like that but her hair did)

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(her face didn't look like that but her hair did)

she wore

(with top of sweatpants rolled down)

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(with top of sweatpants rolled down)

(with top of sweatpants rolled down)

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with a white bralette

she laid in his bed.

they did face masks and made tiktoks and cuddled all night

living with the sway boys Where stories live. Discover now