chapter 43

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they got upstairs

jaden sat in jades hanging chair

jaden sat in jades hanging chair

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and jade sat on her bed

jade-i need to talk to you about something

jaden-what's up baby

jade-well me and mads have been talking recently

jadens eyes widened a bit

jade-honestly,i think it's time me and her become friends. her and nessa were so close and as soon as me and you got together her and mads drifted and i feel like it's all my fault cause of all the drama that happened between me you and mads and nessa is my best friend so they ended up drifting. and i think the only reason mads showed up here and was yelling was cause she had a really hard time getting over you. and i don't blame her. and seeing you with a different girl when she still wasn't over you probably broke her. me and her have been texting a lot. she seems to be over you and in a better state of mind. i think it's just time we get over the past and be friends. she's a really nice girl and deserves the whole world. and i'm 100% willing to be friends with her cause i mean looking back on it,i made the whole situation worse.

jaden-you didn't make the situation worse. it was me. i didn't keep my promise to her which was we'd still be friends after we broke up. and she knew it. and she had a hard time. and you were the girl i was with and she didn't like it. but if you're both willing to be mature and be friends,so am i

jade- that's great. thankyou jaden seriously


she smiled

a few minutes later jaden asked her to take pictures of him for his insta

the one he posted

the one he posted

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❤️-7.8 mill. 💬-178.9k. 👤-jadewinters

jadenhossler-my beautiful girlfriend took this

jadewinters-my babyyy ❤️
blakegray-pretty boy
quintongriggs-mans sexy


jade facetimed nessa

nessa picked up

nessa:hey nuggie
she smiled

jade-well i was calling cause i love and miss you so much and i'm sad we didn't end up hanging out today but also i have news


jade-me and mads are good now

nessa was shocked "no wayyyyy"

jade-i think it's time we just get over the drama. she wasn't in the right state of mind and i wasn't understanding of that. but we talked and i mean i know you two were close and i just wish we could all be friends

nessa-that's awesome

jade smiled

they made some more small talk

*skip to later that day*

jade went live to do her makeup

she answered some questions

one question was "are you sure mads friends"

"of course we are friends,it is so important to be mature and get through things the right way" jade said

*skip to after she got off the live*

she was sitting on her bed and got a text from mads

mads lewis

hey i saw a part of your live on tiktokroom,
i just wanted to say thankyou for being so kind and understanding of how i was feeling. and being so forgiving. even though i wasn't in the right place in my head that's still not an excuse for anything i did. you are genuinely so kind and deserve the world. i'm so happy that  we have grown from this situation ❤️

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