[ 16 ] IT'S A DATE!

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"well, the actual event of the (fancy art school - idk u choose) dance is only a few weeks away but we have everything ready and have even set it up already to see if it looks good, so the decorations are done, the music club agreed to play the whole night for free, and the students in food tech offered sweet little deserts throughout the dance, as well as drinks."

"and what about the cleaning crew and cost for the venue?" you ask, twirling a strand of h/c hair around your fingers. the mousy girl scurries after you, shuffling the papers in her arms, "um, we decided to host the event in the school gym — the board agreed to it — and unfortunately we have no students joining the cleaning crew willingly so the teachers have resorted to giving out positions as a form of community service."

"send them an email of thanks, what about the tickets for the dance and the cost?" you ask her, she nods as her doe eyes scan the paper, darting from word to word. "well uh, tickets will be going for 800 yen each, and students are encouraged to bring a plus one for free—" you shake your head, "no, we'll be giving out food and paying for other amenities. plus ones will be 400 yen each, i think it's quite a decent amount considering how well reputed our school is."

the smaller girl clicks her pen and scribbles something down on her hand, "okay then, i'll let the board know. that's all there is, everything else can easily be taken care of, thank you, miss y/n." you stop, finally coming to a standstill and smile at her, "of course, the schools annual dance is no joke - sorry, what was your name again?"

the girl blinks, "my name is sanrio." you smile. "what a cute name, i'm leaving you in charge, sanrio! you won't let me down, right?" you peer down at her, e/c eyes gleaming. sanrio nods quickly and stumbles over her words, "but yes! of- of course! thank you, miss y/n!!" you chuckle and reach for the doorknob, before swinging the door open and stepping out, "i hope you won't disappoint me."

mothers day is right around the corner, so after checking up on the school committee's progress, you head over to the nearest seven eleven to buy some ingredients for baking cookies. it's nothing big, but it's the thought that counts. besides, who doesn't like food?

the automatic door opens and a cool gush of air kisses your skin as you grab a grocery basket and make your way to the baking area, it always smells like freshly baked goods. your e/c eyes scan the shelves, looking at the brightly coloured boxes and trying to find some cookie dough.

you find the tag and look up at the shelf, only to see it empty. "shit, shit, fuck me, fuck you, fuck life, fuck this." your eyes scan over the different arrays of boxes and packages once more as you sigh in frustration and turn around to find a store employee to ask them where the cookie dough is;

only to bump into someone. (#cliche!)

the two of you stumble back, the person dropping their basket and everything in it falling onto the floor in a heap. "god - i'm so sorry," you apologise, immediately crouching down to pick up their shopping for them. strands of your hair falling forward as you look down in embarrassment.

a familiar calloused hand gently holds yours before you can pick anything up, a low voice laughing. "it's alright, y/n." you look up, a small, relieved smile on your face, "hey osamu." you greet the silver haired boy. "nice to see you here, y/n." he replies. (and he means it) you help him carefully put everything back in his shopping basket.

"so what are you doing here?" you ask, standing up and dusting your clothes off. the boy shrugs, "i was gonna fix up a nice little dinner for my ma," you grin, "oh yeah?" he nods, "i was actually going to bake cookies for her." you gesture to the empty shelf and laugh, "but i don't think that's happening anytime soon."

"hold on, i think i. . ." osamu's stygian eyes light up as he fishes around in his basket, "i was gonna make ma desert as well." he pulls out a bright pink box, the bold red lettering on the front reading; 'SOFT COOKIE DOH' you reach out for it, and he swipes it at the last moment, you look up at him in confusion and he chuckles, "not so fast, y/n."

you tilt your head to the side, "what do you mean?" he reads the back of the box, "this is the last box left, and the back says it can make 24 cookies so we can divide it." you nod, "you can use it first, then give me the leftovers, i may not need as much." osamu mimics your movements and tilts his head to the side too, "i've got a better idea."

you raise a brow in confusion, and the boy smiles, "how about you come over and we make the cookies together." you shrug, "i wouldn't want to be a burden on your family so. . ." he shakes his head, "atsumu's out with some friends, and my parents are at work." you sigh, a nervous smile painted on your lips, "are you sure?"

he nods, an eager look in his eyes, "i almost burned down our kitchen last time, so you can help me." (that's a complete lie, osamu's as good as cooking/baking as he is at volleyball - but anything to make you stay) you think over his offer for a moment before nodding, "alright then, let's go." you beam.

he reaches out to ruffle your messy h/c hair and returns your smile.

"it's a date, then."

/ notes !!

thank u for reading !

osamu and i love you <3

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