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the sky is a rosy pink, streaked with golden clouds as the sun peeks out from over the horizon - a sunrise. you sit up in your bed, content with the sight.

the house is pretty silent, you notice, and for some reason, it unnerves you. usually at this time of day your mother would be getting ready, looking for the keys and her other sock which always seems to go missing and spreading strawberry jam on the one-sided bread slices you get at the end of a loaf -

- but there is nothing today.

you slide your feet into a pair of warm slippers and grab a silk robe from your closet, it is folded in the pile of clothes you used to cover the bag from last night - the sight of the striped bag and knowing its contents fills you with an uneasy feeling. maybe just this once, after so many victories and treasures you've taken, this one is unnecessary.

maybe i could visit one of those charity goodwill stores and leave this there. i don't even like the dress that much, right?

you smile at yourself in the mirror. a small victory.

now. didn't mina text me last night?

you reach for your phone.

"so, let me get this straight." you frown, pointing to the girl in front of you. her hands are busy, little white wipes in one and a bottle of makeup remover in the other.

"yes?" she hums. she is staring at herself in the mirror, taking off last night's makeup. her eyes glance at you for a moment though, and you have this weird thought that even though mina slept in her makeup and cried herself to sleep, she is still so gorgeous.

"he talked to you first, took you out on a date, flirted with you for the better part of the night..." you rub your eyes in exasperation as she nods to confirm your words, a confused laugh slips from your lips and she looks at you again, grinning.

"... and proceeded to tell me this was it." mina finishes your sentence for you, turning back to the mirror and grabbing a bottle of aloe vera soap instead, rubbing the contents over her hands, in the crevices of her fingers. "he said it wasn't me, but him. typical adolescent boy, right?"

she pauses, blinks. bursts out laughing. "oh my god, did i just say adolescent??"

"stop laughing, you're gonna - you're gonna make me laugh too!!" you exclaim, holding your face in order to stop a giant grin from breaking out. mina has a contagious laugh, the type that lights up a room, you've fallen victim to it too many times to count. "i-i, we have to work through this first." you let out.

"honestly y/n, i don't really care anymore." she sighs, rolling her shoulders. "yesterday i was real bummed out pretty boy didn't like me, but honestly, guys ain't shit." she rants whilst washing her face. "i feel like we were both rushing into something we didn't really get, and like he said, it's his fault, not mine." the tap turns off as mina reaches for a pink towel.

"yeah!" you cross your arms, leaning against the doorframe of her bathroom. "even though it's not ideal, and it really does suck, at least he stopped things from going any further before they actually started, right?" you offer with a smile. mina hums in agreement, "just remember your worth isn't defined by any boy or girl! this one is no different, yeah?"

"oh, trust me," she throws the towel over her shoulders, smiles so pretty. "i know that real well."

"good." you pull her into a warm, somewhat-clumsy-but-still-comfortable-hug, mina laughs again, embraces it for a few seconds before moving away with a glow on her face and a sparkle in her eyes - one that doesn't go unmatched by you, and she notices.

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