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the door swings open to reveal an elderly woman with a kind smile and golden eyes.

"hello ma'am," osamu speaks up, "we would like to speak to y/n, if that's okay with you. we're your neighbours."

atsumu pouts, "yeah, sadly."

osamu glares at his brother and turns to the woman, who beckons both of the boys through the front door, "you must be miya-sans sons, right?"

the boys nod and enter the house. "he came by a few hours earlier, a nice man." it was messy and full of unopened boxes, clothes and books were placed everywhere and a fat grey cat was lounging around.

"please do excuse the mess." the woman laughs as she clears a few boxes to the side. "anyways, you boys live next door, right?"

"it's alright, you should see our place." osamu smiles and holds his hands out to reassure her, "and we live in the house that's front of you, miss...?"

"miss l/n," the woman speaks up. "you two will have to visit us often. you know, my daughter is around the same age as you sweet boys."

atsumu feels something soft against his leg and looks down only to see the cat from earlier curling up against his knee, purring softly. "aww," he cooes, "who's a good kitty?"

he leans down to pet the cat behind the ears and looks around the room; boxes of all different sizes and shapes are scattered throughout the room, crumpled clothes and mismatched socks are strewn across the floor.

"milo! milo— oh my god." you curse under your breath as you realise that instead of feeding your cat, you're standing right in front of the boy you stole from.

except, there are two of them??

osamu crosses his arms and glares at you, "hello y/n, i think you have something that belongs to my brother."

"oh, you're brothers." you smile nervously. "nice to see you again."

great, which one did i even steal from?!

in your defense; both boys looked really similar to you except for their hair colours. besides, you didn't know which was which and you didn't remember the boy you stole from all too well, since you were too busy running away from the bus stop.

"woow!!!" atsumu scoffs, looking down at the girl who was now changed into an oversized shirt and a pair of patched denim shorts.  "that's a funny way of saying she stole— mph??!"

you lunge forward and shove your index finger onto his lips, his eyes widen and he says nothing as you shut him up and turn to your mum, who looks just as surprised at the twins.


"mum, i'm sorry. these are my school friends. i'll take care of them," you smile at her.

she hesitantly nods and turns around, padding into the messy kitchen. "please do stay for dinner, boys!"

grabbing both of their arms, you lead them into your room and shut the door behind you as quickly as you can.

atsumu laughs wryly, "of course your mum doesn't know about you stealing."

you glare at him and cross your arms, "it's not stealing, i was going to sell it, contribute to the economy and all."

atsumu invites himself to have a seat on your bed, crossing his ams as well, "how is that not stealing??"

you laugh, "your fault, why'd you give a stranger your phone anyways?"

"because apparently you're cute." osamu says, earning a smack on his shoulder.

"what the fuck, bro? are ya even on my side?"

"look, i would give you your phone back, but i already sold it."

atsumu groans and looks at you, "are you fucking serious? can i at least get the money?"

you sigh wearily, running a hand through your messy h/c locks. "i'll pay you back in two weeks, when the money gets through. please don't tell my mum, though, she'd be worried sick."


osamu leans forward, lazily eyeing you. a small smirk on his face.

he had to admit that he found your reactions quite amusing. and he would be lying if he said he wasn't having a little fun by messing around with you.

"what if we decide to tell your mum or better yet,

turn you in to the police?"

double trouble ★ hiatusWhere stories live. Discover now