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kita comments, walking up besides atsumu and crossing his arms, the captain watches the blonde pack his bag, "you've been on top of your game in practice so don't let me down at the real thing, aight?"

"you know me, cap." atsumu laughs, a twinkle in his eyes. "when have i ever let you down?" there's silence in the locker room for a few minutes before atsumu grimaces, "i actually think you shouldn't answer that."

"i wasn't going to." kita purses his lips, glancing at the time on the clock as it emits a soft 'tick-tock' sound. "now hurry your saggy ass up and get out of the gym so we can all go home."

"oh! you guys can go walk to the bus stop without me," atsumu exclaims, rubbing his neck. "i'm actually gonna be out on a date tonight, so i won't be going home just yet."

before kita gets the chance to say anything, suna walks into the locker room, a neutral expression on his face. "haha." he laughs, still with a neutral expression, "kita called your ass saggy, bitch boy."

"is there a reason you're in here?" kita raises an eyebrow, starting to get irritated that his team won't leave already. "'cause i'm starting to think i'm the only one who wants to go home and have a cold shower and my mama's dinner."

"uh okay? i just needed to talk to atsumu." suna raises his hands to defend himself, "chill out daddy."

"on god." kita sighs wearily, throwing his duffel bag over his shoulder and shaking his head, too tired to deal with them. "i'm going home to finally eat, you can stay here and do whatever it is you do."

"okay, bye." suna gives kita a finger heart (ironically guys i swear) still with a neutral expression on his face, "see you at practice, call me when you get home." to which the poor boy flips suna off and leaves the locker room, leaving a confused atsumu and a neutral suna in there alone.

"so what did ya wanna say?" the blonde asks, sitting down on the bench now that he's finished packing up all his things. his dark eyes trail to the phone in suna's hands, "you got a new phone?"

"yeah, that's what i wanted to tell you." suna admits, the boy leans against a locker and holds the phone form the top with the top of his fingers, dangling it in the air. "i was bored so i thought i'd mess with you and tell you it's yours."

"what?" the blonde blinks, not understanding a word of what his friend just said. "rintarou, i need you to explain because i am so confused right now." atsumu tilts his head to the side in confusion.

"uh, so i got this phone from a chick on the black market," suna starts, talking about being a customer of one of the most dangerous networks to exist casually, as if he was recounting a pleasant trip to the beach.

"why are you even on the black market—"

"shut up." suna says, "anyways so it turns out this was yours, but i couldn't talk to the girl 'cause she was, like, anonymous, right?" suna explains with a neutral tone to his voice, "the amount of blackmail on this was gnarly bro, i found all your baby pics." 

"okay, and?" atsumu scratches his jaw, "i don't know what you're trying to say. the phone has to be wiped now for you to be using it right now, so what's up?"

"you were so cute, what happened?"

"oh, i thought you found something else."

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