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in hopes of getting some space to yourself at the park. it a lovely place, there was crisp grass as far as you could see, tall trees providing shade, as well as paths littered through the areas and some cute little playgrounds.

you hopped off your bike, unbuckling your helmet and setting the brakes down as you drove it into the bike rack. a small white table set up a few metres away caught your eye, a lemonade stand. there were people lined up at the front, exchanging money for a refreshing glass of lemonade.

but what really attracted you was the jar of money just sitting there.


you dusted your clothes and headed to the stand, pulling your hat down so your eyes were hidden as you lined up, the boy running the stand looked no older than twelve.

it almost made you feel bad for stealing from him.

as you neared the front of the line, you casually leaned against the table, making sure no one was focusing on you. then you dipped a hand in the jar swiftly, pulling out some crumpled notes. you hid your hand under your jacket, bobbing down to tie your shoelaces, and hiding the notes in your pocket.

you stood up, nobody had seemed to notice you in the commotion. a smile played on your lips as you made your way to the playground. you sat on the swing and propped one knee over the other to count your money.


"no way, i really hit the jackpot." you chuckled, that's when you heard commotion and frenzy coming from the lemonade stand. poor boy probably realized he had just been stolen from.

you didn't even bother to look up.

you were beyond happy right now, you felt like some badass from those hollywood spy movies. you had earned so much and you didn't even plan this out! the best part was, nobody had even seen!

what you didn't notice the old woman who had seen you steal the innocent boys money.

and you also didn't notice her call the police.

double trouble ★ hiatusWhere stories live. Discover now