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atsumu miya mumbles to himself. the bus stop is unusually empty for a friday night and the boy was eager to go home after having attended a wild party.

he sighs angrily and pulls his phone out, as well as a single raspberry candy. he unwraps the berry flavoured sweet and throws it in his mouth, shoving the pink wrapper in his pocket.

atsumu 🤰:
bro why cant u pick me up
been waitinghf at the bus stop for an hour
ill clean ur half of the room

roach 🤢🤮:
lol no
get played

atsumu 🤰:
ur my twin brother be responsible
for once in your life
we're supposed to share a bond

roach 🤢🤮:
as the elder brother i am superior

atsumu 🤰:
bro the fuck?? its not even
by like
30 seconds???

roach 🤢🤮:
best 30 seconds of my life

atsumu 🤰:
i hope u burn in hell

seen by roach 🤢🤮 at 12:18 am.

he shuts off his phone and stuffs it in his pocket, it's not like his brothers going to be any help so why bother.

"maybe you should check the bus schedule." a soft voice says aloud from behind him. he turns around to face a girl dressed in a plaid skirt and loose blouse. she has gleaming e/c eyes and messy h/c hair which frame: her pretty face perfectly.

atsumu scoffs at her suggestion, "you think i haven't done that?" she only smiles, pointing to the schedule taped to the bus stop.

"that one is the old one, so the timing is wrong." he groans out of frustration, running a hand through his blonde locks.

"so i've been waiting at this fucking bus stop for an entire hour, and all for nothing?"

the strange girl tucks a strand of her hair behind her ear. "you wanna know when the next bus arrives?"

he nods and takes a seat on the bench, anxious to just get home already. "yeah, where's the new timetable?"

the girl smiles at him innocently. "i can show you if you want." she sits down right beside him on the bench and atsumu can't help but glance at her.

damn, she's kinda cute, huh? the boy thinks, eyes trailing over her delicate yet rugged features. the girl pulls out a purple flip-phone with a colourful beaded charm hanging from it. she clicks her tongue in frustration and atumu looks at her sideways. "what's wrong?"

"sorry, sir. my battery ran out so i can't check for you." she says in a silky voice, eyes locked with his. the way the words roll off her tongue so easily put him in a trance.

he blinks and desperately fumbles for his phone in the many pockets of his oversized denim jacket, "it's no problem! here, you can use mine. i got it a week ago, it's new." he exclaims, hoping to impress her.

she smiles at him, gaze wandering to the shiny device in his hand as he passes it to her. "really? thank you so much." the girl begins to tap on his phone, scrolling through the browser.

he watches her from the corner of his stygian eyes, "so?" he asks, subconsciously inching closer to the girl for warmth. "what's a pretty little girl like you doing out at night all by yourself?"

the girl grins and looks at him, her eyes are almost shining in the dark. "going home," she tells him vaguely.

atsumu nods and rests his chin on the palms of his hands, "so when's the next bus? also, can i have y—"

"it should arrive any minute now." the girl turns to him swiftly, still holding his shiny new phone in her hands as the sound of a loud engine fills the air.

atsumu hastily stands up and slings his duffel bag over his shoulder, "fucking finally!" he turns back to ask the sweet girl who's helped him for her number, when he realizes three things:

she was gone,

she had taken his phone with her,

she had also stolen some candy he was saving for later.

atsumu turns around, desperately searching for the strange girl who had helped him but the cold streets are empty.

the doors to the bus fold open, "i've been fucking robbed!" atsumu exclaims wildly at the bus driver. the old man just shakes his head and abruptly closes the doors of the bus in atsumu's face as the bus zooms off.

the boy groans, falling back onto the bench and holding his head in his hands.



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