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you stand in front of the mirror, in nothing but a barbie tank top and some baggy trousers. you lazily rake a hand through your tangled hair and apply some glossy berry flavoured lip balm onto your chapped lips.

after you make your appearance look semi—decent, you carefully place the small box into your bag, along with all the materials you needed for the school festival committee.

you pull on a sweater, fishnet and some ripped jeans, hopping into a pair of high tops as your footsteps thud on the pavement when you run across the road to the house in front of yours.

before you even have the chance to knock, the door swings open, a very bright and cheery atsumu greeting you.

"Y/N!" he engulfs you into a warm hug, you hug him back and smile, excited to show him the new gift you have for him.

"atsumu!" he smiles, letting you in. you take off your shoes and slipp on some blue dinosaur slippers instead. "nice choice." atsumu leads you to his room, softly shutting the door behind you.

you looke around, noticing the room is very messy and that osamu isn't around. "speaking of, where's osamu anyways?"

atsumu just shrugs. "don't know, doesn't matter anyways. he's irrelevant." you chuckle lightly and sling the bag off your shoulder. "soo, what are you doing here?"

"i have something to give you."

"really? wait— is it a confession—"

"same old 'tsumu." you roll your eyes and shake your head. "no, it's not a confession. it's a new ph— just open the box, you'll see! i think you'll like it."

he takes the box from your hands and grins, "well, if you got it for me, of course i'll like it."

"wwwooow." you cross your arms and scoff, a small smile on you lips as you shake your head at his words. "dumbass, just shut up and open it."

you know the blonde is just like this and that you're not special, but the way he talks to you like you're the most important person in the world just makes you feel like you are.

he takes the brand new phone out of the box, clearly impressed at how you were able to afford this model since it's one of the newer ones, "Y/N, where'd you get the money for this?"

you grimace and smile nervously. "well uh— it's not my fault the kid at the lemonade stand left his money jar out in the open like that! it— i'll pay him back, later, maybe!"

"you're so weird," atsumu shakes his head — which is why these feelings don't make sense. "why would you steal to pay me back for stealing?"

as you watch him set the phone down on his desk, putting the lid back onto the box, you raise an eyebrow at him. "you're not going to, like, set it up?"

atsumu looks at you, "i appreciate the phone, i really do. but you didn't have to go through all the trouble."

you scrunch your nose at his sudden personality 360, going from flirty to wise. upset that he isn't accepting it, you protest. "but i did it for you! please 'tsumu, just take it, for me? pretty please?"

well, that isn't entirely true. but you assure yourself that after he talks to mina and they get to know each other, it would be for his own good.

if everything goes to plan, at least.

he smiles at you and reaches out for the box, before abruptly stopping. his smile turns into a small smirk and his eyes glint with mischief as he turns to you. "one condition."

"okay but," you raise an eyebrow,  unsure of whether you'd be able to full fill the condition, "depends what it is."

he grins.

"you have to give me one kiss."

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